Etiology |
- Emotional problems are by far the most important cause
in Chinese Medicine. Worry, pensiveness, sadness, anger,
frustration, resentment, hatred, guilt can all cause stagnation
of Qi which in the long run may lead to blood stasis which
forms masses.
- Great sorrow or grief
- Excess crying
- A long period of worry
- Desperation
- Ingesting carcinogenic substances
- Smoking
Herb Formulas |
- Early-stage:
Breast Cancer #8
Breast Cancer #50
Shi Liu Wei Liu Qi Yin (usually added to other anti-cancer formulas)
- Middle-stage: Ru Xian Ai Tang
- Advanced: Breast Cancer #21
- For brain metastasis:
1. For tumors due to Qi Deficiency with Blood Stagnation: Breast Cancer #47
2. For tumors due to Yin Deficiency: Breast Cancer #48
- For Stomach metastasis:
Wei Ai Sheng Xue Tang
Chinese Patent Medicines:
Liu Jun Zi Tang (6 caps, tid)+ Xuan Fu Hua Dai Zhe Zi Tang (3 caps, tid)+ Li Ge Tang (3 caps, tid)
- For Liver metastasis:
Gan Ai Tang
Breast Cancer #49
Chinese Patent Medicines:
Chai Ling Tang (3 caps, tid)
Chai Hu Qing Gan Tang (3 caps, tid)
- For Colon metastasis:
Fu Fang Ban Zhi Lian Tang
Da Chang Ai Tang
- For Lung metastasis: Fei Ai Er Hao Fang
For the elderly: Fu Zheng Yang Yin Fei Ji Tang
Chinese Patent Medicines:
Chai Hu Shu Gan Tang (3 caps, tid) + Zi Gen Mu Li Tang (1-3 caps, tid)
- For Bone metastasis:
Due to Toxic Damp-Heat: Breast Cancer #54 + Hua Yu Tang
Due to Kidney Qi Deficiency: Breast Cancer #55
Due to Kidney Yang with Qi and Blood Deficiency: Breast Cancer #56
- Grind 30-60g of the shell or kernel of Fr. Trapae Bispinosae Ling Jiao into a powder. Take 6g raw or with honey at a time.
- Grind 30-60g Rx. Wikstroemiae Pu Yin into a fine powder and mix with boiled water or millet wine. Take daily.
- Pound Pseudobulbus Cremastrae/Pleiones Shan Ci Gu, mix with vinegar and apply to the lesion.
- Press 90g of fresh asparagus Tian Men Dong into a juice and take with yellow wine once a day. (30g of fresh peeled asparagus can be substituted.)
- Decoct 30g Hb. Viola Zi Hua Di Ding, 90g Flos Lonicera Jin Yin Hua and 9g Rx. Lithospermi Zi Cao.
- Decoct 10 pcs. Scolopendra Wu Gong, 90g Flos Lonicera Jin Yin Hua and 9g Rx. Glycyrrhizae Gan Cao in water, divide in two and take twice a day.
- Blend Fol Hibisci Fu Rong Ye with 25% Vaseline, make into an adhesive plaster and apply to the affected area once or twice daily.
- Drink a decoction of Fol. Trifolii San Xiao Cao daily.
- During early stages, pound the leaves and roots of Hb. Taraxaci Pu Gong Ying into a juice to be taken orally with wine.
- Decoct 0.9g Calculus Bovis Niu Huang with 60g-90g Spica Prunellae Xia Ku Cao and take orally.
- Stomach Cancer #5
- Take a decoction of 120g Hb. Hedyotis Diffusae Bai Hua She She Cao and 120g Rz. Curculiginis Xian Mao daily.
- Take a liquid extract of Hb. Erodii/Geranii Lao Guan Cao daily.
- Post surgery:
Cancer #5
Yi Qi Yang Rong Tang
- During chemotherapy: Sheng
Xue Tang Yi Hao
- For pain: Breast Cancer #51
- For exudative carcinoma cutis: Breast Cancer #53
- Ulcerative mammary carcinoma:
Dry the fresh leaves of Fructus et Folium Solani Indici Huang Shui Qie, sterilize by autoclave, sprinkle on the ulcerous lesion and cover with sterilized gauze. Before reapplying, wash the lesion with normal saline. Do not use on normal skin to prevent eczema on the area.
Wan Shan Wan
- To resolve depression, resolve Phlegm and soften hardness: Xiao Yao San + Xi Huang Wan
- To gradually break down the cancer nucleus: Jia Wei Xiao Yao San
- To remove the cancer nucleus in people with low vitality: Li Zhong Tang (large amounts)
- For chronic bursting and cancerous skin exuding an odorous fluid: Gui Pi Tang
- For post-operative recurrence of the tumor: Breast Cancer #45 + 2 g of powdered Bul. Fritillariae Cirrhosae Chuan Bei Mu and 1.35g powdered Pseudobulbus Cremastrae/Pleiones Shan Ci Gu.
- With uterine cancer: Uterine Cancer #7
- Topical:
1. Dry fresh Hb. et Rx. Ranunculi Mao Gen at low temperature, pulverized into a powder and mixed with ox oil to make an ointment for external use.
2. Distill the volital oil from the root of Hb. et Rx. Ranunculi Mao Gen, mix with three equal portions of the whole herb decoction and take orally. Start with a small dose and gradually increase.
Distill the volital oil from the root of Hb. et Rx. Ranunculi Mao Gen, mix with two equal portions of the powder of the whole herb and make into a solid plaster with lard to be applied topically.
With severe pain: Ru Ai Xi Ji
- Chinese Patent Medicines:
Ci Tao Wan
Zhen Ai Wan
Points |
- Needle LU-9, PC-6,
moxa SI-1
- Needle GB-21 and
have it radiate to the chest. (Do not needle if the patient
has angina, palpitations or Heart weakness.)
- Needle ST-16, moxa REN-17,
indirect moxa on lump
- If the lump is fixed, moxa needle PC-7, LU-5, ST-36, UB-40, GB-44
- For primary breast cancer:
LI-4, REN-17, SI -11, ST-18, ST-36, UB-15, UB-18, UB-20
Extraordinary Channels: PC-6 - SP-4, KI-6 - LU-7
Divergent Points: SI-1, ST-36, GB-12, PC-3
- For brain metastasis: DU-20, GB-37, GB-39, LI-6, SP-6, UB-1, UB-10
Extraordinary Channels: SI-3 - UB-62, GB-41 - SJ-5
Divergent Points: GB-1, GB-34, UB-1, UB-40
- For Stomach metastasis: LI-11, LIV-3, PC-6, REN-12, SP-6, ST-21, ST-36, ST-40, UB-20, UB-21
Extraordinary Channels: KI-6 - LU-7, PC-6 - SP-4
Divergent Points: ST-1 - ST-36 or ST-1 - SP-9
- For Liver metastasis: DU-26, LIV-3, LIV-5, SP-6, ST-44, UB-18, UB-19
Extraordinary Channels: PC-6 - SP-4
Divergent Points: GB-1, GB-34, or GB-1, LIV-8
- For Colon metastasis: LI-4, LI-5, LI-11, REN-12, ST-25, ST-36, ST-40, UB-25
Extraordinary Channels: KI-6 - LU-7
Divergent Points: LI-11, ST-2, SI-1, ST-36
- For Lung metastasis: LI-4, LU-1, LU-2, LU-7, REN-17, ST-40, UB-11, UB-13, UB-15, UB-43
Extraordinary Channels: KI-6 - LU-7
Divergent Points: LU-5, ST-12
- With ureine cancer: DU-4, KI-3, LI-4, LIV-3, LIV-5, REN-3, REN-4, SP-10, ST-36, UB-17, UB-23
Extraordinary Channels: PC-6 - SP-4, KI-6 - LU-7
Divergent Points: KI-10, UB-1, GB-1, LIV-8