English: Six Milled-Herb Decoction
Also Known As:
Pharmaceutical Latin
Pin Yin
Rx. Aucklandiae Mu Xiang 9g Promotes the movement of Qi, adjusts and regulates stagnant Qi in the Intestines and alleviates pain.
With Bing Lang, for Qi Stagnation in the Stomach and Intestines due to Food Stagnation with abdominal distention, fullness and distention, anorexia, aversion to the smell of food, nausea without the ability to vomit and an uncomfortable urge to defecate which is often unsuccessful.
With Bing Lang and Da Huang, for epigastric and abdominal fullness, distention, and pain with constipation.
With Wu Yao, for lower abdominal coldness and pain.
Sm. Arecae Bing Lang 9-12g Regulates Qi, reduces accumulations, drains downward and unblocks the bowels.
Lignum Aquilariae Resinatum Chen Xiang 3-6g Promotes movement of Qi, alleviates pain, descends Qi, regulates the Middle, dispels Cold and warms the Spleen and Stomach.
With Wu Yao, for lower abdominal pain, especially with lower abdominal Cold and tension and a stifling sensation in the chest and diaphragm with wheezing, distention and anorexia.
With Mu Xiang, relieves pain.
With Mu Xiang and Bing Lang, for constipation due to Liver Qi Stagnation.
With Wu Yao, Mu Xiang and Bing Lang, for chest and abdominal distention and pain due to Accumulation of Cold.
Rx. Linderae Wu Yao 6-9g Promotes movement of Qi and alleviates pain.
Fr. Aurantii Immaturus Zhi Shi 6-9g Breaks up Stagnant Qi, reduces accumulation, descends Qi, unblocks the bowels, removes stagnant food, transforms Phlegm, reduces distention and resolves hardenings.
With Da Huang, for constipation and abdominal swelling due to Food Stagnation and Qi Stagnation.
Rx. et Rz. Rhei Da Huang 6g Drains Heat and purges accumulations.
  • Promotes the movement of Qi
  • Descends Rebellious Qi
  • Expands the chest
  • Disperses Stagnation
  • Purges accumulations
  • Upper Jiao Qi Stagnation with clumping in the chest and Rebellious Qi
  • Liver and Spleen Qi Stagnation causing constipation
  • An irritable, stifling sensation in the chest and diaphragm
  • Labored breathing
  • Wheezing
  • Epigastric distention and fullness
  • Belching
  • Constipation
  • Anorexia
  • Hurried breathing
  • Abdominal distention and pain
  • T: Normal
  • C: White
  • P: Wiry
  • Do not take long-term.
  • Contraindicated for those with significant Qi Deficiency with fatigue and a frail pulse.
For abdominal pain:
For abdominal pain with unstable emotions:
- Per. Citri Reticulatae Chen Pi - Per. Citri Reticulatae Chen Pi
- Rz. Chuanxiong Chuan Xiong - Rz. Chuanxiong Chuan Xiong
+ Bupleurum Powder to Spread the Liver
Chai Hu Shu Gan Tang
+ Bupleurum Powder to Spread the Liver
Chai Hu Shu Gan Tang
For abdominal pain with anorexia:
+ 9g Rx. Curcumae Yu Jin
- Per. Citri Reticulatae Chen Pi
For abdominal pain with distention:
- Rz. Chuanxiong Chuan Xiong - Per. Citri Reticulatae Chen Pi
+ Bupleurum Powder to Spread the Liver
Chai Hu Shu Gan Tang
- Rz. Chuanxiong Chuan Xiong
+ Bupleurum Powder to Spread the Liver
Chai Hu Shu Gan Tang
+ 9g Rz. Curcumae Longae Jiang Huang
+ 9g Per. Citri Reticulatae Viride Qing Pi
+ 9g Fr. Hordei Germinatus Mai Ya
For abdominal pain with a sense of fullness in the chest and hypochondriac region:
For a stronger Qi regulating effect:
+ Fr. Toosendan Chuan Lian Zi - Per. Citri Reticulatae Chen Pi
+ Rx. Cyperi Xiang Fu - Rz. Chuanxiong Chuan Xiong
+ Cx. Magnoliae Officinalis Hou Po
Bupleurum Powder to Spread the Liver
Chai Hu Shu Gan Tang
For constipation with chest oppression and hypochondriac disturbance:
+ 9g Fr. Toosendan Chuan Lian Zi
For constipation with severe abdominal pain:
+ Rx. Bupleuri Chai Hu + Rx. Paeoniae Alba Bai Shao
+ Rx. Curcumae Yu Jin + Rx. Angelicae Sinensis Dang Gui
For constipation with Fire:
For constipation with severe Fire:
+ Fr. Gardeniae Zhi Zi + Rx. Gentianae Long Dan Cao
+ Rx. Scutellariae Huang Qin
For constipation with nausea and vomiting:
+ Cx. Moutan Mu Dan Pi - Sm. Arecae Bing Lang
For constipation with Heat:
+ Rz. Pinelliae Preparatum Zhi Ban Xia
+ 6g Rx. Gentianae Long Dan Cao
+ 6-9g Fr. Gardeniae Zhi Zi + Caulis Bambusae in Taeniam Zhu Ru
+ 6-9g Rx. Scutellariae Huang Qin
For constipation with depression and melancholy:
+ Haematitum Dai Zhe Shi
For constipation with parasites or worms:
+ 9g Rx. Bupleuri Chai Hu + More Sm. Arecae Bing Lang
+ 9-12g Rx. Paeoniae Alba Bai Shao + 9g Omphalia Lei Wan
+ 9g Sm. Torreyae Fei Zi
+12-15g Cx. Albizziae He Huan Pi + 9g Fr. Quisqualis Shi Jun Zi
For constipation with severe bloating:
For constipation with Food Stagnation:
+ More (12g) Fr. Aurantii Immaturus Zhi Zi + 12g Fr. Crataegi Shan Zha
+ 12g Massa Medicata Fermentata Shen Qu
+ 9g Fr. Amomi Sha Ren
For constipation following trauma or surgery:
+9 Endothelium Corneum Gigeriae Galli Ji Nei Jin
+ 9g Sm. Persicae Tao Ren
+ 9g Flos Carthami Hong Hua
For constipation with Fluid Accumulation in the Intestines (until the Fluid is expelled):
+ 12g Rx. Paeoniae Rubra Chi Shao
+ 1g Baked Fr. Gleditsiae Chao Zao Jiao
For bleeding hemorrhoids:
+ Flos Sophorae Immaturus Huai Hua Mi + 0.5g Powdered Rx. Euphorbiae Kansui Gan Sui
+ Rx. Sanguisorbae Di Yu
For abdominal blockage due to marked Food Stagnation with Phlegm Blockage:
+ Sophora Japonica Powder
Huai Hua San
+ Fr. Crataegi Shan Zha
+ Sm. Raphani Lai Fu Zi
For abdominal blockage due to Food Stagnation with Turbid Phlegm Blocking the Middle Jiao:
+ Massa Medicata Fermentata Shen Qu
+ Rz. Atractylodis Cang Zhu
For abdominal blockage due to Food Stagnation with ascariasis (worms):
+ Rz. Pinelliae Preparatum Zhi Ban Xia
+ Mume Pill
Wu Mei Wan
+ Per. Citri Reticulatae Chen Pi    
+ Rz. Zingiberis Recens Sheng Jiang