English: Incomparable Dioscorea Pill
Also Known As:
Pharmaceutical Latin
Pin Yin
Rz. Dioscoreae Shan Yao 15-60g Tonifies Qi, tonifies the Spleen ,nourishes the Stomach Yin, stops diarrhea, tonifies the Kidney Yin and astringes Jing.
With Shan Zhu Yu and Tu Si Zi, for leukorrhea due to Spleen and Kidney Deficiencies.
Hb. Cistanches Rou Cong Rong 9-120g Tonifies the Kidneys, strengthens the Yang, benefits Jing and marrow and warms the Womb.
With Shan Zhu Yu, Tu Si Zi and Wu Wei Zi, for Impotence, spermatorrhea, and weakness in the lower back and lower extremities from severely Deficient Kidneys.
With Du Zhong, for high blood pressure.
With Ba Ji Tian, tonifies Yang without injuring Yin.
Fr. Schisandrae Wu Wei Zi 9-180g Tonifies the Kidneys, astringes Jing and stops diarrhea and spermatorrhea.
Sm. Cuscutae Tu Si Zi 9-90g Tonifies the Kidneys and Spleen, strengthens Yang, nourishes Yin, astringes Jing and urine, benefits marrow and astringes diarrhea.
With Du Zhong, enriches and tonifies the Kidneys and Liver, astringes Jing, nourishes Kidney Yin , brightens the eyes and encourages the movement of Primal Yang to treat spermatorrhea, premature ejaculation and lower back pain from Kidney Deficiency.
Cx. Eucommiae Du Zhong 9-90g Tonifies Yang, tonifies the Kidneys and Liver and strengthens the sinews and bones.
With Shan Zhu Yu and Tu Si Zi, for impotence and frequent urination due to Deficiency Cold of the Kidneys.
Rx. Achyranthis Bidentatae Niu Xi 9-30g Invigorates the Blood, expels Blood Stasis, nourishes the Liver and Kidney Yin, strengthens the sinews and bones and benefits the joints.
With Du Zhong, for low back and extremity pain and weakness due to Bi pain or Kidney Deficiency.
With Sheng Di Huang, powerfully clears Deficiency Fire Blazing Upward with pain and swelling of the gums, epistaxis, hematemesis and other hemorrhage in the upper body.
(Rx. Cyathulae) (Chuan Niu Xi) (9-30g) (May substitute for Niu Xi.)
Rz. Alismatis Ze Xie 9-30g Promotes urination, drains Kidney Fire, leaches out Dampness, and settles ministerial Fire in the Kidneys by draining Damp-Heat from the lower Jiao.
Rx. Rehmanniae Sheng Di Huang 9-30g Clears Heat, cools the Blood, nourishes Yin, generates fluids, increases saliva and treats wasting and thirsting.
(Rx. Rehmanniae Preparata) (Shu Di Huang) (9-30g) (May substitute for Sheng Di Huang.)
Fr. Corni Shan Zhu Yu 9-30g Tonifies Liver and Kidney Yin, strengthens Kidney Yang, stabilizes the Kidneys, astringes Jing and Body Fluids, s tops excessive sweating and supports that which has collapsed.
With Wu Wei Zi, for Spermatorrhea, abnormal sweating, palpitations and shortness of breath due to Yin and Yang Deficiencies of the Liver and Kidneys.
Poria Pararadicis Fu Shen 9-30g Dispels Dampness, promotes water metabolism, nourishes the Heart and calms the Shen.
(Poria) (Fu Ling) 9-30g (May substitute for Fu Shen.)
Rx. Morindae Officinalis Ba Ji Tian 30g Tonifies Kidneys and strengthens Yang.
With Tu Si Zi and Rou Cong Rong, for Impotence, spermatorrhea and premature ejaculation due to Kidney Yang Deficiency.
With Niu Xi, soaked in wine for impotence.
Halloysitum Rubrum Chi Shi Zhi 30g Astringes the Intestines and stops diarrhea.
  • Nourishes the Yin
  • Assists the Yang
  • Augments the Qi
  • Strengthens the Kidneys
  • Kidney Deficiency
  • Soreness or pain of the waist and back
  • Dizziness
  • Tinnitus
  • Frequent, clear urination
  • Dribbling urination that starts and stops
  • T: Pale
  • C: Thin and white
  • P: Submerged and frail
  • The lower dosages are for use as a decoction.
For severe hematuria: With Kidney Yin Deficiency:
+ 9g Hb. Agrimoniae Xian He Cao - Hb. Cistanches Rou Cong Rong
+ 9g Fol. Callicarpae Zi Zhu + more Rx. Rehman-
niae Preparata
Shu Di Huang
+ 9g Colla Corii Asini E Jiao
With Lung Qi Deficiency: + Hb. Ecliptae Mo Han Lian
+ 9g Rx. Ophiopogonis Mai Men Dong + 9g Colla Corii Asini E Jiao
+ 6g Fr. Schisandrae Wu Wei Zi For severe dripping and incontinence:
For urolithiasis due to Spleen and Kidney Qi Deficiency: + 9g Ootheca Mantidis Sang Piao Xiao
+ 12g Sm. Astragali Complanati Sha Yuan Zi
- Cx. Eucommiae Du Zhong
- Rx. Alismatis Ze Xie For urolithiasis due to Spleen and Kidney Qi Deficiency without marked Cold signs:
Rx. Rehmanniae Sheng Di Huang
- Poria Pararadicis Fu Shen - Cx. Eucommiae Du Zhong
- Rx. Morindae Officinalis Ba Ji Tian - Rx. Alismatis Ze Xie
Rx. Rehmanniae Sheng Di Huang
- Halloysitum Rubrum Chi Shi Zhi - Poria Pararadicis Fu Shen
+ 12g Rx. Rehmanniae Preparata Shu Di Huang - Rx. Morindae Officinalis Ba Ji Tian
+ 9g Poria Fu Ling - Halloysitum Rubrum Chi Shi Zhi
+ 30g Spora Lygodii Hai Jin Sha + 12g Rx. Rehmanniae Preparata Shu Di Huang
+ 30g Hb. Lysimachiae Jin Qian Cao
+ 9g Cx. Moutan Mu Dan Pi + 9g Poria Fu Ling
+ 9g Rz. Acori Tatarinowii Shi Chang Pu + 30g Spora Lygodii Hai Jin Sha
+ 30g Hb. Lysimachiae Jin Qian Cao
+ 9g Endothelium Corneum Gigeriae Galli Ji Nei Jin + 9g Cx. Moutan Mu Dan Pi
+ 9g Rz. Acori Tatarinowii Shi Chang Pu
+9g Sm. Plantaginis Che Qian Zi
+ 6g Rx. Aconiti Lateralis Preparata Zhi Fu Zi + 9g Endothelium Corneum Gigeriae Galli Ji Nei Jin
+ 6g Cx. Cinnamomi Rou Gui +9g Sm. Plantaginis Che Qian Zi
For urolithiasis due to Spleen and Kidney Qi Deficiency with pronounced fatigue: For urolithiasis due to Spleen and Kidney Qi Deficiency with pronounced Blood Stagnation:
- Cx. Eucommiae Du Zhong - Cx. Eucommiae Du Zhong
- Rx. Alismatis Ze Xie - Rx. Alismatis Ze Xie
Rx. Rehmanniae Sheng Di Huang Rx. Rehmanniae Sheng Di Huang
- Poria Pararadicis Fu Shen - Poria Pararadicis Fu Shen
- Rx. Morindae Officinalis Ba Ji Tian - Rx. Morindae Officinalis Ba Ji Tian
- Halloysitum Rubrum Chi Shi Zhi - Halloysitum Rubrum Chi Shi Zhi
+ 12g Rx. Rehmanniae Preparata Shu Di Huang + 12g Rx. Rehmanniae Preparata Shu Di Huang
+ 9g Poria Fu Ling + 9g Poria Fu Ling
+ 30g Spora Lygodii Hai Jin Sha + 30g Spora Lygodii Hai Jin Sha
+ 30g Hb. Lysimachiae Jin Qian Cao + 30g Hb. Lysimachiae Jin Qian Cao
+ 9g Cx. Moutan Mu Dan Pi + 9g Cx. Moutan Mu Dan Pi
+ 9g Rz. Acori Tatarinowii Shi Chang Pu + 9g Rz. Acori Tatarinowii Shi Chang Pu
+ 9g Endothelium Corneum Gigeriae Galli Ji Nei Jin + 9g Endothelium Corneum Gigeriae Galli Ji Nei Jin
+9g Sm. Plantaginis Che Qian Zi +9g Sm. Plantaginis Che Qian Zi
+ 6g Rx. Aconiti Lateralis Preparata Zhi Fu Zi + 6g Rx. Aconiti Lateralis Preparata Zhi Fu Zi
+ 6g Cx. Cinnamomi Rou Gui + 6g Cx. Cinnamomi Rou Gui
+ 15g Rx. Astragali Huang Qi + 15g Rx Salviae Miltiorrhizae Dan Shen
+ 9g Rx. Codonopsis Dang Shen For urolithiasis due to Spleen and Kidney Qi Deficiency with hematuria:
    - Cx. Eucommiae Du Zhong
    - Rx. Alismatis Ze Xie
    Rx. Rehmanniae Sheng Di Huang
    - Poria Pararadicis Fu Shen
    - Rx. Morindae Officinalis Ba Ji Tian
    - Halloysitum Rubrum Chi Shi Zhi
    + 12g Rx. Rehmanniae Preparata Shu Di Huang
    + 9g Poria Fu Ling
    + 30g Spora Lygodii Hai Jin Sha
    + 30g Hb. Lysimachiae Jin Qian Cao
    + 9g Cx. Moutan Mu Dan Pi
    + 9g Rz. Acori Tatarinowii Shi Chang Pu
    + 9g Endothelium Corneum Gigeriae Galli Ji Nei Jin
    +9g Sm. Plantaginis Che Qian Zi
    + 6g Rx. Aconiti Lateralis Preparata Zhi Fu Zi
    + 6g Cx. Cinnamomi Rou Gui
    + 15g Hb. Cirsii Xiao Ji
    + 9g Hb. sive Rx. Cirsii Japonici Da Ji
    + 9g Rx. Sanguisorbae Di Yu