English: Guide Out Phlegm Decoction
Also Known As: The Phlegm Resolving Decoction
Conduct Phlegm Decoction
Pharmaceutical Latin
Pin Yin
Exocarpium Citri Reticulatae Rubrum Ju Hong 3-12g Dries Dampness, transforms Phlegm, harmonizes the Middle Jiao and regulates Qi (more drying and aromatic than Chen Pi).
With Ban Xia, for viscous sputum due to Phlegm-Damp Obstruction.
With Sheng Jiang, for vomiting and hiccups due to Stomach Qi Disharmony.
(Per. Citri Reticulatae) (Chen Pi) (3-12g) (May substitute for Ju Hong - dries Dampness, transforms Phlegm, regulates Qi and adjusts the Middle Jiao.)
Rz. Pinelliae Preparatum Zhi Ban Xia 6-12g Dries Dampness, transforms Phlegm, descends rebellious Qi, harmonizes the Stomach, stops vomiting and reduces distention.
With Ju Hong, for Stomach Qi Disharmony with epigastric and abdominal distention or pain.
Poria Fu Ling 3-15g Strengthens the Spleen, harmonizes the Middle Jiao, transforms Phlegm and dries Dampness.
With Zhi Ban Xia, Ju Hong and Sheng Jiang, for congested Fluids in the Stomach manifesting as nausea and vomiting.
(Poria Rubra) (Chi Fu Ling) (6g) (May substitute for Fu Ling - clears Dampness and Heat)
Rx. Glycyrrhizae (Preparata) (Zhi) Gan Cao 1.5-6g Tonifies the Spleen, augments Qi, resolves Phlegm and harmonizes (this herb does not appear in every version).
Fr. Aurantii Immaturus Zhi Shi 3-15g Breaks up stagnant Qi, reduces accumulation, transforms Phlegm and reduces distention.
With Ju Hong, strengthens the Middle Jiao.
Rz. Arisaematis Preparatum Zhi Tian Nan Xing 3-9g Disperses Wind-Phlegm in the channels, dries Dampness and expels Phlegm.
With Ban Xia, Ju Hong, and Zhi Shi, for Phlegm-Damp Obstruction.
(Rz. Zingiberis Recens) (Sheng Jiang) (6-9g) (Warms the Lungs and transforms Phlegm.)
  • Dries Dampness
  • Clears Phlegm
  • Promotes Qi movement
  • Relieves Stagnation
  • Phlegm Confuses the Heart Orifice
  • Collapse due to Phlegm
  • Fainting from Wind-Phlegm
  • Phlegm Stagnation in the chest and diaphragm
  • Fainting
  • Vertigo
  • Headache
  • Accumulation of congested Fluids that won't dissipate
  • Vomiting
  • Stifling sensation of chest and diaphragm
  • Distention of chest and diaphragm
  • Distention and fullness of hypochondria and flanks
  • Dizziness
  • Palpitations
  • Nausea
  • Restlessness when sitting or lying down
  • Coughing and wheezing
  • Copious sputum
  • Thick, gummy nasal discharge and saliva
  • Difficult breathing
  • Reduced appetite
  • T: Pink
  • C: White and greasy
  • P: Slippery
  • Contraindicated for those with Yin Deficiency or Heat.
For pain in the extremities, back or shoulders: For palpitations, forgetfulness and insomnia:
- Rz. Arisaematis Preparatum Zhi Tian Nan Xing - Rz. Arisaematis Preparatum Zhi Tian Nan Xing
+ Arisaema cum Bile Dan Nan Xing + Arisaema cum Bile Dan Nan Xing
+ Rx. Aucklandiae Mu Xiang + Rz. Acori Tatarinowii Shi Chang Pu
+ Rz. Curcumae Longae Jiang Huang
For epilepsy with Phlegm:Obstructing the Heart Orifices:
For more severe Dampness and Cold:
+ Flos Chrysanthemi Ju Hua
+ Rx. et Rz. Asari Xi Xin + Ram. Uncariae cum Uncis Gou Teng
+ Rz. Zingiberis Gan Jiang + Fr. Gleditsiae Zao Jiao
For Wind-Phlegm:
+ Rz. Acori Tatarinowii Shi Chang Pu
+ Rz. Gastrodiae Tian Ma + Succus Bambusae Zhu Li
+ Rz. Atractylodes Macrocephalae Bai Zhu + Succus Rz. Zingiberis Jiang Zhi
For vomiting with Heat:
For vomiting with Cold Accumulation:
- Rz. Arisaematis Preparatum Zhi Tian Nan Xing
+ 6-9g Rz. Zingiberis Gan Jiang
+ 6-9g Hb. Asari Xi Xin + Arisaemae cum Bile Dan Nan Xing
For frequent vomiting with cold extremities:
+ 6g Rz. Coptidis Huang Lian
+ 3-6g Fr. Evodiae Wu Zhu Yu + 9-12g Caulis Bambusae in Taeniam Zhu Ru
For vomiting with epigastric splash on palpation, copious salivation and thin, watery mucus:
For vomiting with Phlegm masses:
+ 12-15g Rx. Codonopsis Dang Shen
+ Reduce Scrophularia Pill
Xiao Luo Wan
+ 9-12g Fr. Alpiniae Oxyphyllae Yi Zhi Ren
+ 9-15g Concha Meretricis/Cyclinae Ge Qiao
For vomiting with firm masses:
+ 9-12g Rz. Curcumae E Zhu + 9-12g Pumex Fu Shi
+ 9-12g Rz. Sparganii San Leng + 9-15g Concha Arcae Wa Leng Zi
For trigeminal neuralgia:
For chest oppression:
+ Rz. Chuanxiong Chuan Xiong - Rz. Arisaematis Preparatum Zhi Tian Nan Xing
+ Hb. cum Rx. Asari Xi Xin
For chest oppression Qi Deficiency:
- Fr. Aurantii Immaturus Zhi Shi
- Rz. Arisaematis Preparatum Zhi Tian Nan Xing + 6g Fr. Aurantii Zhi Ke
+ 6g Cx. Magnoliae Officinalis Hou Po
- Fr. Aurantii Immaturus Zhi Shi
+ 6g Fr. Aurantii Zhi Ke + 6g Rx. Platycodi Jie Geng
+ 6g Cx. Magnoliae Officinalis Hou Po
For chest oppression with profuse Phlegm:
- Rz. Arisaematis Preparatum Zhi Tian Nan Xing
+ 6g Rx. Platycodi Jie Geng
+ 9g Rx. Codonopsis Dang Shen - Fr. Aurantii Immaturus Zhi Shi
+ 9g Rz. Atractylodis Macrocephalae Bai Zhu + 6g Fr. Aurantii Zhi Ke
+ 6g Cx. Magnoliae Officinalis Hou Po
For Parkinson's disease:
- Fr. Aurantii Immaturus Zhi Shi + 6g Rx. Platycodi Jie Geng
+ 9g Fr. Aurantii Zhi Ke + 9g Per. Trichosanthis Gua Lou Pi
- Rz. Arisaemae Preparatum Zhi Tian Nan Xing + 9g Flos Inulae Xuan Fu Hua
For Parkinson's disease:
+ 9g Arisaemae cum Bile Dan Nan Xing - Rz. Arisaemae Preparatum Zhi Tian Nan Xing
+ 20g Rx. Astragali Huang Qi
+ 15g Rz. Atractylodis Macrocephalae Bai Zhu + 9g Arisaemae cum Bile Dan Nan Xing
+18g Concha Haliotidis Shi Jue Ming
+ 9g Rx. Cyperi Xiang Fu + 12g Ram. cum Uncis Uncariae Gou Teng
+ 9g Fr. Amomi Sha Ren
+ 9g Rz. Chuanxiong Chuan Xiong + 12g Rx. Cyathulae Chuan Niu Xi
+ 9g Ram. Cinnamomi Gui Zhi + 9g Rz. Gastrodiae Tian Ma
+ 9g Rz. Gastrodiae Tian Ma + 9g Gardeniae Zhi Zi
+ 3g Scorpio Quan Xie + 9g Rx. Scutellariae Huang Qin
+ 3g Scolopendra Wu Gong + 3g Rx. Glycyrrhizae Gan Cao
For facial numbness:
For myasthenia gravis:
+ Lead to Symmetry Powder
Qian Zheng San
+ 30g Rx. Astragali Huang Qi
+ 15g Rz. Atractylodis Macrocephalae Bai Zhu
+ 5g Pheretima Di Long
For myasthenia gravis with loose stools:
+ 6g Rx. Bupleuri Chai Hu
+ 30g Rx. Astragali Huang Qi + 6g Rz. Cimicifugae Sheng Ma
+ 15g Rz. Atractylodis Macrocephalae Bai Zhu
For severe or long-term myasthenia gravis:
+ 30g Rx. Astragali Huang Qi
+ 6g Rx. Bupleuri Chai Hu + 15g Rz. Atractylodis Macrocephalae Bai Zhu
+ 6g Rz. Cimicifugae Sheng Ma
+ 6g blast-fried Rz. Zingiberis Pao Jiang + 6g Rx. Bupleuri Chai Hu
+ 6g Rz. Cimicifugae Sheng Ma
For myasthenia gravis with spontaneous sweating:
+ 6g powdered Placenta Hominis Zi He Che
+ 30g Rx. Astragali Huang Qi + 15g Colla Cornu Cervi Pantotrichum Lu Jiao Jiao
+ 15g Rz. Atractylodis Macrocephalae Bai Zhu
+ 30g. Fr. Tritici Levis Fu Xiao Mai
+ 6g Rx. Bupleuri Chai Hu
For myasthenia gravis with night sweats:
+ 6g Rz. Cimicifugae Sheng Ma + 30g Rx. Astragali Huang Qi
+ 6g blast-fried Rz. Zingiberis Pao Jiang + 15g Rz. Atractylodis Macrocephalae Bai Zhu
For myasthenia gravis with drooping eyelids:
+ 6g Rx. Bupleuri Chai Hu
+ 30g Rx. Astragali Huang Qi + 6g Rz. Cimicifugae Sheng Ma
+ 15g Rz. Atractylodis Macrocephalae Bai Zhu + 9g Cx. Lycii Di Gu Pi
+ 6g Cx. Phellodendri Huang Bai
+ 6g Rx. Bupleuri Chai Hu
For myasthenia gravis with dry, bound stools:
+ 6g Rz. Cimicifugae Sheng Ma + 30g Rx. Astragali Huang Qi
+ 6g Rx. Bupleuri Chai Hu + 15g Rz. Atractylodis Macrocephalae Bai Zhu
+ 15g Rx. Puerariae Ge Gen
For myasthenia gravis with anorexia:
+ 6g Rx. Bupleuri Chai Hu
+ 30g Rx. Astragali Huang Qi + 6g Rz. Cimicifugae Sheng Ma
+ 15g Rz. Atractylodis Macrocephalae Bai Zhu + 20g Rx. Scrophulariae Xuan Shen
For myasthenia gravis with chest oppression and venter glomus with a slimy tongue coat:
+ 6g Rx. Bupleuri Chai Hu
+ 6g Rz. Cimicifugae Sheng Ma + 30g Rx. Astragali Huang Qi
+ 15g Fr. Crataegi Shan Zha + 15g Rz. Atractylodis Macrocephalae Bai Zhu
+ 15g Fr. Hordei Germinatus Mai Ya
+ 6g Rx. Bupleuri Chai Hu
+ Fr. Oryzae Germinatus Gu Ya + 6g Rz. Cimicifugae Sheng Ma
For myasthenia gravis with severe Qi Deficiency with severe fatigue: + 9g Rz. Atractylodis Cang Zhu
+ 9g Hb. Eupatorii Pei Lan
+ 30g Rx. Astragali Huang Qi
For myasthenia gravis with cold limbs:
+ 15g Rz. Atractylodis Macrocephalae Bai Zhu + 30g Rx. Astragali Huang Qi
+ 15g Rz. Atractylodis Macrocephalae Bai Zhu
+ 6g Rx. Bupleuri Chai Hu
+ 6g Rz. Cimicifugae Sheng Ma + 6g Rx. Bupleuri Chai Hu
+ more (50g) Rx. Astragali Huang Qi + 6g Rz. Cimicifugae Sheng Ma
+ 15g Sm. Cuscutae Tu Si Zi
For cervical spondylosis due to Blood and Phlegm Stagnation:
+ 15g Rx. Morindae Officinalis Ba Ji Tian
- Rz. Arisaematis Preparata Zhi Tian Nan Xing + 15g Rx. Rehmanniae Preparata Shu Di Huang
+ Arisaemae cum Bile Dan Nan Xing
For hemiplegia:
+ 10g Rz. Chuanxiong Chuan Xiong - Fr. Aurantii Immaturus Zhi Shi
+ 10g Sm. Sinapis Bai Jie Zi + 6g Fr. Aurantii Zhi Ke
+10g Rx. Angelicae Sinensis Dang Gui + 3g Rz. Zingiberis Recens Sheng Jiang
+ 15g Rx. Paeoniae Rubra Chi Shao + 9g Rz. Gastrodiae Tian Ma
+ 6g Rz. Atractylodis Macrocephalae Bai Zhu
+ 12g Rx. Curcumae Yu Jin
For hemiplegia with nausea/vomiting and profuse Phlegm:
+ 6g Ram. cun Uncis Uncariae Gou Teng
- Fr. Aurantii Immaturus Zhi Shi + 3g Scorpio Quan Xie
+ 6g Fr. Aurantii Zhi Ke + 6g Bombyx Batryticatus Jiang Can
+ 3g Rz. Zingiberis Recens Sheng Jiang
For hemiplegia with a poor appetite, fatigue and loose stools:
+ 9g Rz. Gastrodiae Tian Ma
+ 6g Rz. Atractylodis Macrocephalae Bai Zhu - Fr. Aurantii Immaturus Zhi Shi
+ 6g Fr. Aurantii Zhi Ke
+ 6g Ram. cun Uncis Uncariae Gou Teng + 3g Rz. Zingiberis Recens Sheng Jiang
+ 3g Scorpio Quan Xie + 9g Rz. Gastrodiae Tian Ma
+ 6g Bombyx Batryticatus Jiang Can + 6g Rz. Atractylodis Macrocephalae Bai Zhu
+6g Flos Inulae Xuan Fu Hua + 6g Ram. cun Uncis Uncariae Gou Teng
For hemiplegia with dizziness or heavy-headedness:
+ 3g Scorpio Quan Xie
- Fr. Aurantii Immaturus Zhi Shi + 6g Bombyx Batryticatus Jiang Can
+ 6g Fr. Aurantii Zhi Ke
+ 3g Rz. Zingiberis Recens Sheng Jiang + 9g Rx. Codonopsis Dang Shen
For hemiplegia with clouded consciousness and clouded sleep:
+ 9g Rz. Gastrodiae Tian Ma
+ 6g Rz. Atractylodis Macrocephalae Bai Zhu - Fr. Aurantii Immaturus Zhi Shi
+ 6g Fr. Aurantii Zhi Ke
+ 6g Ram. cun Uncis Uncariae Gou Teng + 3g Rz. Zingiberis Recens Sheng Jiang
+ 3g Scorpio Quan Xie + 9g Rz. Gastrodiae Tian Ma
+ 6g Bombyx Batryticatus Jiang Can + 6g Rz. Atractylodis Macrocephalae Bai Zhu
+ 9g Rz. Acori Tatarinowii Shi Chang Pu + 6g Ram. cun Uncis Uncariae Gou Teng
For a sore throat:
+ 3g Scorpio Quan Xie
+ 10g Rx. Platycodi Jie Geng + 6g Bombyx Batryticatus Jiang Can
For a sore throat with a sensation of fullness in the Stomach:
+ 3g Lapis Chloriti Qing Meng Shi
+ 10g Rx. Platycodi Jie Geng
For a sore throat with thick Phlegm in the throat:
+ 10g Rx. Aucklandiae Mu Xiang + 10g Rx. Platycodi Jie Geng
+ 10g Sm. Arecae Bing Lang +10g Rx. Polygalae Yuan Zhi
For a sore throat with a poor appetite:
+ 10g Per. Citri Reticulatae Viride Qing Pi
+ 10g Rx. Platycodi Jie Geng
+ 10g Rz. Atractylodis Cang Zhu
For a sore throat with a cough and Phlegm:
+ 10g Fr, Amomi Sha Ren + 10g Rx. Platycodi Jie Geng
For a sore throat with loose stools:
+ 10g Sm. Sinapis Bai Jie Zi
+ 10g Rx. Platycodi Jie Geng + 10g Sm. Raphani Lai Fu Zi
+ 10g Rz. Atractylodis Cang Zhu    
+ 10g Rz. Atractylodis Macrocephalae Bai Zhu