Pharmaceutical Latin: Plastrum Testudinis
Common English: Fresh-Water Turtle Plastron
Tortoise Plastron
Herbs that Tonify the Yin
Taste Temperature Entering Meridians Dosage
Actions Indications/Syndromes

Nourishes Yin and anchors Yang

Yin Deficiency with Yang Rising with fever, night sweats, dizziness, tinnitus and steaming bone disorder

Kidney and Liver Yin Deficiency generating Internal Wind with facial spasms and tremors of the hands and feet

Benefits the Kidneys and strengthens the bones

Kidney Yin Deficiency with soreness of the lower back, weakness in the legs, retarded skeletal development in children or failure of the fontanel to close

Nourishes the Blood, enriches Yin and stabilizes the Chong and Ren channels

Red and white vaginal discharge or uterine bleeding

Cools the Blood and stops uterine bleeding

Blood Heat causing excessive menstruation or uterine bleeding

Nourishes the Blood and tonifies the Heart

Heart Yin and/or Blood Deficiencies with anxiety, insomnia and forgetfulness

Treats non-healing sores and ulcerations

Non-healing sores and ulcerations

  • Contraindicated during pregnancy because it softens hardness, expels Stasis and aids in difficult births.
  • Contraindicated for those with Damp-Cold Stomach.
  • Contraindicated for those with diarrhea due to Yang Deficiency.
  • Antagonizes Rx. Adenophorae/Glehniae Sha Shen.
  • Antagonizes Rx. Ginseng Ren Shen.

Rz. Anemarrhenae
Zhi Mu
Cx. Phellodendri
Huang Bai
Rx. Rehmanniae
Sheng Di Huang

Carapax Trionycis
Bie Jia
Colla Corii Asini
E Jiao

Rx. Rehmanniae Preparata
Shu Di Huang
Rz. Dioscoreae
Shan Yao
Fr. Corni
Shan Zhu Yu

Afternoon fever, night sweats, and steaming bone disorder due to Yin Deficiency.

Low grade afternoon fever and night sweats due to Yin Deficiency with ascendant Yang.

Vertigo, tinnitus, a sore and weak lower back and legs and night sweats from severe Kidney Deficiency.

Flos Chrysanthemi
Ju Hua
Concha Haliotidis
Jue Ming

Rx. Paeoniae Alba
Bai Shao
Rx. Scrophulariae
Xuan Shen
Dai Zhe Shi

Cornu Cervi Pantotrichum
Lu Rong

Light-headedness and vertigo due to Liver Yang Rising.

Yin Deficiency with Yang Rising with dizziness, malar flush and irritability.

Weakness and debility due to Kidney Deficiency.

Cornu Cervi Pantotrichum
Lu Rong

Rx. Panacis Quinquifolii
Xi Yang Shen
Placenta Hominis
Zi He Che
Rx. Rehmanniae Preparata
Shu Di Huang

Rx. Achyranthis Bidentatae
Niu Xi
Hb. Cynomorii
Suo Yang
Os Tigris
Hu Gu

Rx. Ginseng
Ren Shen
Hb. Taxilli
Sang Ji Sheng
Rz. Drynariae
Gu Sui Bu

Retarded development in children or failure of the fontanel to close.

Retarded development in children, and weakness and wasting of the lower extremities with impaired locomotion due to Deficiency of the Liver and Kidneys.

Hemiplegia as a sequela of stroke in the debilitated.

Cx. Phellodendri
Huang Bai
Fr. Gardeniae
Zhi Zi
Rz. Zingiberis
Sheng Jiang

Concha Ostreae
Mu Li

Rx. Rehmanniae
Sheng Di Huang
Hb. Ecliptae
Han Lian Cao
Hb. Siegesbeckiae
Xi Xian Cao

Red and white vaginal discharge with lower back soreness and abdominal pain due to Unstable Chong and Ren Channels and Damp-Heat.

Irregular uterine bleeding.

Excessive uterine bleeding due to Hot Blood.

Fossilia Ossis Mastodi
Long Gu
Rx. Polygalae
Yuan Zhi

(Rz. Acori Tatarinowii)
(Shi Chang Pu)
(Caul. Polygoni Multiflori)
(Ye Jiao Teng)

Spina Gleditsiae
Zao Jiao Ci
Rx. Pulsatillae
Bai Tou Weng

Carapax Trionycis
Bie Jia

Anxiety and insomnia due to Heart Deficiency.

Chronic non-healing sores and ulcerations.

Steaming bones and night sweats due to Liver and Kidney Yin Deficiency with Heat Rising.

Calms the Liver, subdues Yang and extinguishes Wind to treat vertigo and tinnitus associated with Yin Deficiency with Yang Rising and deficient Wind moving internally.

Rx. Paeoniae Alba
Bai Shao
Rx. Achyranthis Bidentatae
Niu Xi
Dai Zhe Shi
Fossilia Ossis Mastodi
Long Gu
Concha Haliotidis
Jue Ming

Sm. Cassiae
Jue Ming Zi
Flos Chrysanthemi
Ju Hua
Concha Haliotidis
Jue Ming
Sp. Prunellae
Xia Ku Cao

Rx. Rehmanniae Preparata
Shu Di Huang
Rz. Anemarrhenae
Zhi Mu
Cx. Moutan
Mu Dan Pi
Cx. Lycii
Di G
u Pi

Liver Yang Rising.

Red and painful eyes.

Steaming bone sensations, tidal fevers night sweats and nocturnal emissions.

Rx. Paeoniae Alba
Bai Shao
Ra, cum Uncis Uncariae
Gou Teng
Colla Corii Asini
E Jiao

Carapax Trionycis
Bie Jia
Concha Ostreae
Mu Li

Rx. Rehmanniae Preparata
Shu Di Huang
Rx. Achyranthis Bidentatae
Niu Xi
Rz. Dioscoreae
Shan Yao
Fr. Corni
Shan Zhu Yu
Rx. Dipsaci
Xu Duan
Cx. Eucommiae
Du Zhong
Rz. Anemarrhenae
Zhi Mu
Rx. Paeoniae Alba
Bai Shao

Rx. Rehmanniae Preparata
Shu Di Huang
Rz. Anemarrhenae
Zhi Mu
Cx. Phellodendri
Huang Bai

Liver Wind.

Weakness and soreness of the low back and knees.

Yin Deficient Heat.

Cornu Cervi Pantotrichum
Lu Rong

Fr. Lycii
Gou Qi Zi
Rx. Ginseng
Ren Shen

Rx. Rehmanniae
Sheng Di Huang

Rx. Scrophulariae
Xuan Shen
Colla Corii Asini
E Jiao

Rx. Scutellariae
Huang Qin
Rx. Paeoniae Alba
Bai Shao
Cx. Phellodendri
Huang Bai
Rz. Imperatae
Bai Mao Gen
Cacumen Platycladi
Ce Bai Ye
Rx. Rubiae
Qian Cao Gen


Kidney Yin and Yang Deficiency with weak bones, spermatorrhea or nocturnal emissions, weight loss and blurred vision.

Uterine bleeding or hypermenorrhea.


  1. Glue made from Gui Ban, Gui Ban Jiao is richer, more cloying and almost exclusively tonifies Yin and nourishes Blood. The dosage is 3-9 gm. Dissolve in wine or the decoction.
  2. It is important because it aids the upward flow of Qi from the Lower Jiao (treats prolapse, weak low back and legs) while at the same time moistens the Yin and settles uprising Yang (Internal Wind and Deficiency Fire).
  3. This herb enriches Yin strengthens resolve, treats Yin and Blood insufficiency, consumptive Heat, steaming bones, long-term coughing, malarial disorder, mobile and fixed masses, continuous uterine bleeding, the five types of hemorrhoids, difficult labor and patterns of Yin Deficiency and frail Blood.
  4. Both Gui Ban and Carapax Trionycis Bie Jia are shells that enrich Yin, subdue Yang and soften areas of hardness. Bie Jia primarily enters the Liver channel with a stronger ability to enrich Yin and soften areas of hardness and is used for gynecological conditions, such as abdominal masses and clumping around the flanks. It is salty, cold and green so it enters the Liver. it treats illnesses related to the Liver channel Blood level. It travels the Chong channel. Gui Ban primarily enters the Kidneys and being sweet, it has a superior ability to enrich the Yin in order to anchor the Yang while also unblocking the Ren channel to treat such gynecological problems as continuous uterine bleeding. It is black, so it enters the Kidneys and treats all illnesses of the Kidney channel Blood level. It also unblocks the Heart.
  5. Gui Ban powerfully tonifies Jue Yin, fills the Ren channel to reduce Heat and expel steaming bone disorder, but cannot tonify Yang within Yin. Colla Corii Asini E Jiao nourishes the Blood, moistens Dryness and expels Heat. Rx. Polygoni Multiflori He Shou Wu enters the Liver, tonifying Blood to expel, Wind and blackens the hair and beard. but is unable to moisten Dryness and settle wheezing. Colla Cornus Cervi Lu Jiao Jiao warms the Du channel and the Chong channel to augment Blood, but cannot clear Lung channel Heat and stop coughing.
  6. Both Gui Ban and Cornu Cervi Pantotrichum Lu Rong augment the Kidneys, fortify the bones and treat atrophy and weakness of the sinews and bones. Gui Ban augments the Kidney Yin, unblocks the Ren Channel, subdues the Yang, tonifies the Blood and stops bleeding. It is best for Yin Deficiency Heat or Blood Heat causing continuous uterine bleeding. Lu Rong reinforces Kidney Yang, generates Jing and augments the marrow. It treats uterine bleeding due to Yang Deficiency. Gui Ban tonifies the Yin and Lu Rong tonifies the Yang so they are often used together for Yin and Yang Deficiencies.
  7. Vinegar-fried Turtle Plastron Cu Chao Gui Ban enters the Liver channel and has an enhanced ability to subdue Yang. It treats Liver Yin Deficiency with Liver Yang Rising and uterine bleeding due to the failure of the Liver to store Blood.
  8. Wine-fried Turtle Plastron Jiu Chao Gui Ban tonifies and moves to treat atrophy and weakness of the sinews and bones.
  9. Turtle Plastron Glue, Colla Plastri Testudinis Gui Ban Jiao is richer, more cloying and almost exclusively nourishes the Yin. The dosage is 3-9g and it is dissolved in either wine or decoction before ingesting.
  10. Carapax Testudinis Gui Jia is salty, cold, enters the Liver and Kidney channels and affects the thoughts. It nourishes the Yin, the Kidneys and strengthens the bones. It is used in the treatment of Yin Deficient intermittent fever, night sweating, dizziness, Internal movement of Liver Wind due to Deficiency, physical atrophy, fear and forgetfulness.