English: Generating and Transforming Decoction
Also Known As: Decoction for Postpartum Troubles
Tang-kuei and Ginger Combination
Dang Gui and Ginger Combination
Decoction for Removing Stagnant Blood and Promoting Hemogenesis
Decoction to Promote Production of Blood and Remove Stagnation of Blood
Pharmaceutical Latin
Pin Yin
Rx. Angelicae Sinensis Dang Gui 2.4-25g Tonifies Blood, regulates the menses, invigorates and harmonizes the Blood, disperses Cold and stops pain due to Blood Stasis.
With Chuan Xiong, harmonizes, nourishes and invigorates the Blood and disperses Blood Stasis for abdominal pain.
With Chuan Xiong and Pao Jiang, for postpartum Blood Deficiency with Cold.
Rz. Chuanxiong Chuan Xiong 6-9g Invigorates the Blood and promotes the movement of Qi.
With Dang Gui, for Blood Deficiency causing menstrual problems including dysmenorrhea, scanty menses, and amenorrhea.
With Dang Gui and Pao Jiang, for Retained lochia.
With Dang Gui, Tao Ren, Pao Jiang and Zhi Gan Cao, for continuous postpartum bleeding due to Blood Stasis with Blood Deficiency and Cold.
Sm. Persicae Tao Ren 4-9g Breaks up Blood Stasis and invigorates Blood circulation.
With Pao Jiang and Chuan Xiong, for lochioschesis and abdominal pain.
Rz. Zingiberis Preparata Pao Jiang 1-3g Warms the Middle, expels Cold, warms the channels and stops bleeding.
Rx. Glycyrrhizae Preparata Zhi Gan Cao 1-3g Tonifies the Spleen, augments Qi, moderates spasms, alleviates pain and moderates and harmonizes the harsh properties of other herbs.
  • Invigorates the Blood
  • Transforms and dispels Blood Stasis
  • Warms the menses
  • Warms the channels
  • Alleviates pain
  • Postpartum Blood Deficiency with Cold Stagnation
  • Retention of the lochia with Cold, hardness and pain in the lower abdomen
  • The pain is worse with pressure
  • May be masses in the sore area
  • The Blood is dark purplish
  • T: Pale and purple or Pale with purple spots
  • C: Normal
  • P: Deep and choppy
  • Contraindicated for those with Blood Stasis due to Heat. in the Blood.
  • Contraindicated for those with postpartum hemorrhage due to Warm Blood.
  • Contraindicated during pregnancy.
  • Contraindicated for those with bleeding or active hemorrhage disorder.
  • Modify for those who already have normal discharge of lochia and only slight abdominal pain.
For postpartum application in which there is already discharge of lochia and only slight abdominal pain: For more sever retention of Blood with more intense pain:
- Sm. Persicae Tao Ren + Pollen Typhae Pu Huang
For postpartum failure of the uterus to resume its normal size:
+ Faeces Trogopterori Wu Ling Zhi
+ Hb. Leonuri Yi Mu Cao + Rz. Corydalis Yan Hu Suo
For postpartum abdominal pain due to Blood Stagnation:
+ Flos Carthami Hong Hua + Pollen Typhae Pu Huang
+ Rx. Paeoniae Alba Bai Shao + Rz. Corydalis Yan Hu Suo
For more severe Cold with pain in the lower abdomen:
+ Hb. Leonuri Yi Mu Cao
+ Cx. Cinnamomi Rou Gui
For postpartum fever:
+ Rx. Bupleuri Chai Hu
+ Cx. Cinnamomi Rou Gui + Rx. Scutellariae Huang Qin
+ Fr. Foeniculi Xiao Hui Xiang
For feverishness associated with Blood Stasis:
+ Cx. Moutan Mu Dan Pi
+ Rx Aconiti Lateralis Preparata Zhi Fu Zi + Rx. Paeoniae Rubra Chi Shao
+ Cx. Cinnamomi Rou Gui
For marked postpartum Qi Deficiency with profuse sweating due to loss of Blood:
- Rz. Zingiberis Preparata Pao Jiang
+ Rx. Ginseng Ren Shen + Cx. Moutan Mu Dan Pi
+ Rx. Astragali Huang Qi + Rx. Paeoniae Rubra Chi Shao
For postpartum constipation:
+ Hb. Cistanches Rou Cong Rong - Rx. Glycyrrhizae Preparata Zhi Gan Cao
+ Fr. Aurantii Zhi Ke + Cx. Moutan Mu Dan Pi
For leukorrhagia with discharge of bloody mucus due to Blood Stasis with Cold Invasion:
+ Rx. Paeoniae Rubra Chi Shao
- Rx. Glycyrrhizae Preparata Zhi Gan Cao
For lochioschesis with more severe retention of lochia and more abdominal pain:
+ Hb. Lycopi Ze Lan
+ Sudden Smile Powder
Shi Xiao San
For failure of the uterus to resume its normal size:
For lochiorrhea with a poor constitution and cold limbs:
+ Hb. Leonuri Yi Mu Cao.
For lochiorrhea with prominent Heat:
+ Cx. Cinnamomi Rou Gui
- Rz. Zingiberis Preparata Pao Jiang
For lochiorrhea with abdominal pain:
+ Rx. Linderae Wu Yao
+ Fr. Gardeniae Zhi Zi + Fr. Toosendan Chuan Lian Zi
+ Cx. Moutan Mu Dan Pi + Rz. Corydalis Yan Hu Suo
+ Rx. Scutellariae Huang Qin
For lochiorrhea with excessive bleeding:
For habitual miscarriage:
+ Rx. Ginseng Ren Shen

+ Sudden Smile Powder
Shi Xiao San

+ Rx. Astragali Huang Qi
+ Petiolus Trachycarpi Zong Lu Pi
+ Rx. Achyranthis Bidentatae Niu Xi
For lochioschesis:
+ Fr. Aurantii Zhi Ke
+ Rx. Paeoniae Alba Bai Shao
For hysteromyoma or metrypertrophia:
+ Hb. Leonuri Yi Mu Cao + Hb. Schizonepetae Jing Jie
+ Rx. Notoginseng San Qi + Hb. Leonuri Yi Mu Cao
For hysteromyoma or metrypertrophia with hardness and nodules:
For ectopic pregnancy:
- Rx. Glycyrrhizae Gan Cao
+ Hb. Schizonepetae Jing Jie - Rz. Zingiberis Preparatum Pao Jiang
+ Hb. Leonuri Yi Mu Cao
+ Rz. Sparganii San Leng + Ram. Cinnamomi Gui Zhi
+ Rz. Curcumae E Zhu + Poria Fu Ling
+ Cx. Cinnamomi Rou Gui + Rx. Paeoniae Rubra Chi Shao
For uterine bleeding:
+ Cx. Moutan Mu Dan Pi
+ Sudden Smile Powder
Shi Xiao San
For uterine bleeding associated with abortion, miscarriage or labor:
    + Hb. Leonuri Yi Mu Cao
    + Pollen Typhae Pu Huang
    + Crinis Carbonisatus Xue Yu Tan
    + Hb. Taraxaci Pu Gong Ying
    + Hb. Leonuri Yi Mu Cao
    + Colla Corii Asini E Jiao