English: Clear Summerheat and Augment the Qi Decoction
Also Known As:
Pharmaceutical Latin
Pin Yin
Rx. Panacis Quinquifolii Xi Yang Shen 4.5-20g Tonifies Qi, generates fluids, nurtures the Stomach, nourishes Yin, benefits Lung Yin and clears Fire from the Lungs.
With Mai Men Dong and Zhi Mu, for high fever, thirst, diarrhea and dehydration associated with Warm-Heat pathogen disease in which both the Qi and Fluids have been injured.
Exocarpium Citrulli Xi Gua Pi 24-60g Clears Summerheat and generates Fluids.
Fol. Nelumbinis He Ye 12-30g Relieves Summerheat and raises and clears Spleen Yang.
Hb. Dendrobii Shi Hu 12-15g Nourishes Yin, clears Heat, generates fluids and Nourishes Stomach and Lung Yin.
Rx. Ophiopogonis Mai Men Dong 6-15g Moistens the Lungs, nourishes Yin, stops cough, nourishes Stomach Yin, generates Fluids, moistens the Intestines, clears the Heart and eliminates irritability.
Hb. Lophatheri Dan Zhu Ye 4.5-15g Clears Heat, eliminates irritability, promotes urination and clears Damp-Heat.
Rz. Anemarrhenae Zhi Mu 4.5-15g Clears Heat, drains Fire from the Lungs and Stomach, nourishes Yin, moistens Dryness, generates Fluids, clears Deficiency Fire and quenches thirst.
With Huang Lian, for Blazing Stomach Fire.
With Gan Cao, for turbid Dampness fuming upward with irritability, Heat and profuse sweating.
Rz. Coptidis Huang Lian 2-3g Clears Heat, drains Dampness, drains Fire, resolves toxicity and drains Stomach Fire.
Rx. Glycyrrhizae Gan Cao 2-10g Tonifies the Spleen, augments Qi, moistens the Lungs, resolves Phlegm, stops cough, clears Heat, relieves Fire toxicity, moderates and harmonizes the harsh properties of other herbs and guides the herbs to all twelve channels.
Non-glutinous Rice Geng Mi 12-15g Tonifies the Qi of the Lungs, Spleen and Intestines, stops restlessness and thirst and generates fluids.
  • Clears Summerheat
  • Tonifies Qi
  • Nourishes Yin
  • Generates Fluids
  • Summerheat injuring the Qi and Fluids
  • Summerheat with Yin Deficiency
  • Summerheat with Qi and Yin Deficiency
  • High fever
  • Profuse sweating
  • Irritability
  • Thirst
  • Scanty, dark urine
  • Restlessness
  • Fatigue
  • Fatigued limbs
  • Shortness of breath
  • Apathy
  • T: Pale or Red
  • P: Deficient and rapid
  • Modify for Summerheat-Dampness.
  • Contraindicated for those without external pathogens.
For mild Summerheat with injury to the Fluids: For a greasy, white tongue coating:
+ More Rz. Coptidis Huang Lian - Rz. Anemarrhenae Zhi Mu
For unremitting fever in children in the summer, with Qi Deficiency and insufficient Fluids: - Rx. Ophiopogonis Mai Men Dong
+ Poria Fu Ling
- Rz. Coptidis Huang Lian For severe perspiration:
- Rz. Anemarrhenae Zhi Mu + Fr. Tritici Levis Fu Xiao Mai
+ Rx. Cynanchi Atrati Bai Wei For dysuria:
+ Cx. Lycii Di Gu Pi + Rx. Rehmanniae Sheng Di Huang
For irritability, Dryness and Heat: + Caulis Akebiae Mu Tong
+ Hb. Artemisiae Scopariae Yin Chen For Body Fluid Deficiency:
+ Rx. Puerariae Ge Gen
+ Fr. Gardeniae Zhi Zi + Rx. Glehniae/ Adenophorae Sha Shen
For Qi Deficiency:
+ Rx. Ginseng Ren Shen For wheezing and dyspnea:
+ Rx. Astragali Huang Qi - Caulis Nelumbinis He Ye
For pneumonia: - Rz. Coptidis Huang Lian
- Rx. Panacis Quinquifolii Xi Yang Shen + Rx. Rehmanniae Sheng Di Huang
For severely damaged Qi:
- Rz. Coptidis Huang Lian + 9g Fr. Schisandrae Wu Wei Zi
+ 18g Flos Lonicerae Jin Yin Hua For severely damaged Fluids:
+ 18g Fr. Forsythiae Lian Qiao + 18g Rx. Glehniae Bei Sha Shen
+ 15g Rx. Scutellariae Huang Qin For severe Heat:
+ 15g Rz. Phragmitis Lu Gen + 24g Gypsum Fibrosum Shi Gao
+ 24g Fol. Eriobotryae Pi Pa Ye For prolonged fever in children:
+ 9-12g Rx. Ginseng Ren Shen - Rz. Coptidis Huang Lian
For slight Summerheat with perspiration: + Rx. Cynanchi Atrati Bai Wei
- Rz. Coptidis Huang Lian + Cx. Lycii Di Gu Pi
For severe Summerheat with perspiration: For perspiration with severely damaged Qi:
+ 24g Gypsum Fibrosum Shi Gao + 9g Fr. Schisandrae Wu Wei Zi
For perspiration with severely damaged Fluids: For perspiration with fatigue, a poor appetite, loose stools and abdominal fullness:
+ 15g Rx. Glehniae Bei Sha Shen
+ 15g Rx. Rehmanniae Sheng Di Huang - Rx. Ophiopogonis Mai Men Dong
    - Rz. Anemarrhenae Zhi Mu
    - Rz. Coptidis Huang Lian
    - Exocarpium Citrulli Xi Gua Pi
    + 12g Rx. Astragali Huang Qi
    + bran stir-fried Rz. Atractylodis Macrocephalae Bai Zhu
    + 9g stir-fried Per. Citri Reticulatae Chen Pi