- Lower abdominal pain
- Borborygmus
- Flatulence
- Cloudy, dark urine
- Hypersalivation
- Alopecia (hair comes out in handfuls)
- Abdominal pain
- Abdominal pain with diarrhea
- All generalized aches and pains
- Spasms and paralysis of the lower legs
- Weakness of the legs with cerebral anemia
- Tonsillitis
- Diseases of the breasts
- Backache referring to the testes
- Numbness and paralysis of the lower extremities
- Throat Bi
- Pharyngitis
- Acute Intestinal obstruction
- Diarrhea
- Constricted breathing
- Cough
- Muscular atrophy of the lower extremities
- Breast abscess
- Manic raving
- Sudden fright
- Drooling
- No pleasure in eating
- Arthritis
- Wind Bi
- Hemiplegia
- Small Intestine disorders with pains in the scrotum radiating to the lumbar region and spine and pains in the Heart and navel
- Pain in the testes
- Dull complexion
- Sore throat
- Dried out body hair
- Small Intestine Qi Deficiency
- Pale face
- Hemiplegia of the leg
- Cold Bi
- Afflictions of the throat
- Deficient Qi in the feet
- Foot Qi
- Heavy feet
- Dry, parched lips
- Anhidrosis
- Anorexia
- Hemafecia
- Pain in the chest and abdomen
- Pain towards the testicles
- Burning sensation in front of the ears
- Fright
- Mastitis
- Pain in the heels
- Pain in the ankles
- Acute or chronic enteritis
- Hepatitis
- Paralytic ileus
- Herniation of the Small Intestine
- Diarrhea with pus and Blood
- Diarrhea containing undigested food
- Dysenteric disorder
- Bi syndrome of the lower leg
- Atrophy disorder of the lower leg
- Atrophy disorder of the foot
- Extreme sensation of Cold and Heat in the shoulder
- Heat sensation in the area between the ring and little fingers
- Breast carbuncle
- Pain in the lower back and lower thoracic back
- Beriberi