Pharmaceutical Latin: Herba Ardisiae Japonicae
Common English: Japanese Ardisiae
Herbs that Transform Phlegm and Stop Coughing
Taste Temperature Entering Meridians Dosage
(Slightly Cold)
Actions Indications/Syndromes

Expels Phlegm, stops coughing and settles wheezing

Coughing and wheezing due to Heat with copious sputum
May be used as a stand-alone herb

Invigorates the Blood, transforms Stasis and alleviates pain

Traumatic injury with localized swelling and pain, joint pain, menstrual irregularities, amenorrhea

Can be used as a stand-alone herb decocted in half wine and half water

Clears Damp-Heat and reduces jaundice

Damp-Heat jaundice, edema, urinary dysfunction


Fol. Eriobotryae
Pi Pa Ye
Flos Chrysanthemi Indicae
Ye Ju Hua

Hb. Houttuyniae
Yu Xing Cao

Rx. Stemonae
Bai Bu
Cx. Mori
Sang Bai Pi
Rz. Bletillae
Bai Ji

Lung Heat leading to coughing and wheezing with copious Phlegm.

Lung Abscess.

Lung consumption with Blood streaked sputum.

Hb. Artemisiae Scopariae
Yin Chen
Fr. Gardeniae
Zhi Zi
Rz. Polygoni Cuspidatae
Hu Zhang

Fu Ling
Sm. Plantaginis
Che Qian Zi

Lignum Sappan
Su Mu
Flos Carthami
Hong Hua

Damp-Heat jaundice.

Facial edema with reduced urination.

Pain and swelling from traumatic injury

Rx. Salviae Miltiorrhizae
Dan Shen
Rz. Chuanxiong
Chuan Xiong
Hb. Leonuri
Yi Mu Cao



Amenorrhea or dysmenorrhea from Blood Stasis



  1. This herb was said to treat seasonal diseases with Qi Stagnation around the diaphragm and to expel Wind-Phlegm,
  2. This herb has recently been used to treat chronic bronchitis, pulmonary tuberculosis, hepatitis, dysentery, acute and chronic nephritis and hypertension.
  3. It is also used to treat opium addiction.
  4. One source says it is good for water retention and Wind-Damp Bi pain.