Pharmaceutical Latin: Fructus Luffae Retinervus
Common English: Loofah
Dried Skeleton of the Vegetable Sponge
Herbs that Clear Heat and Purge Fire: Herbs that Clear Heat and Drain Dampness
Taste Temperature Entering Meridians Dosage
(Slightly Cold)
Tincture: 2-4ml
Actions Indications/Syndromes

Resolves toxicity and reduces swelling

Abscesses and other toxic sores.

Often used for breast abscesses, breast distention, lumps and insufficient lactation

Unblocks the channels and collaterals and dispels Wind

Wind-Damp Bi, soreness in the chest and flanks, pain and soreness in the muscles and sinews and stiffness in the joints, especially when Phlegm is part of the pattern

Traumatic injury

Unblocks the channels and collaterals in the breast

Breast distention and tenderness

Insufficient lactation or obstructed lactation

Expels Phlegm

Cough due to Lung Heat with high fever, chest pain, and difficult-to -expectorate sputum (for both adults and children)

  • When young, this herb can cause diarrhea.

Hb. Taraxaci
Pu Gong Ying
Hb. Violae
Zi Hua Di Ding

Fr. Liquidamberis
Lu Lu Tong
Sm. Vaccariae
Wang Bu Liu Xing
(Squama Manitis)
(Chuan Shan Jia)

Per. Citri Reticulatae Viride
Qing Pi
Fr. Akebiae
Ba Yue Zha

Increases Si Gua Luo's ability to resolve toxicity.

Breast abscess.

Insufficient lactation.

Breast distention and lumps.

Rx. Clematidis
Wei Ling Xian

Per. Trichosanthis
Gua Lou Pi
Rx. Curcumae
Yu Jin


Per. Trichosanthis
Gua Lou Pi
Fr. Aurantii
Zhi Ke
Rx. Bupleuri
Chai Hu
Rx. Curcumae
Yu Jin
Rz. Chuanxiong
Chuan Xiong

Bul. Allii Macrostemi
Xie Bai
Rz. Pinelliae Preparatum
Zhi Ban Xia


Fr. Trichosanthis
Gua Lou
Bul. Allii Macrostemi
Xie Bai
Rz. Pinelliae Preparatum
Zhi Ban Xia
Bul. Fritillariae Thunbergii
Zhe Bei Mu
Per. Citri Reticulatae Viride
Qing Pi

Pain and swelling of the joints due to Wind-Dampness.

Pain due to Blood Stasis and Qi Stagnation.

Painful obstruction due to turbid Phlegm.

Flos Carthami
Hong Hua
Rx. Bupleuri
Chai Hu
Fr. Aurantii
Zhi Ke

Cx. Mori
Sang Bai Pi
Rx. Peucedani
Qian Hu
(Fr. Trichosanthis)
(Gua Lou)
(Bul. Fritillariae Thunbergii)
(Zhe Bei Mu)

Cx. Mori
Sang Bai Pi
Rx. Peucedani
Qian Hu

Fr. Arctii
Niu Bang Zi

Fol. Mori
Sang Ye

Trauma-induced pain of the chest and flanks.

Cough due to Lung Heat with Phlegm.

Cough due to Lung Heat with Phlegm with exterior signs and symptoms.

Flos Lonicerae
Jin Yin Hua
Fr. Forsythiae
Lian Qiao
Hb. Taraxaci
Pu Gong Ying
Hb. Violae
Zi Hua Di Ding

Ram. Mori
Sang Zhi
Caul. Trachelospermi
Luo Shi Teng
Rx. Gentianae Macrophyllae
Qin Jiao
Caul. Piperis Kadsurae
Hai Feng Teng

Rx. Codonopsis
Dang Shen
Rx. Astragali
Huang Qi

Breast abscess. (with calcined Si Gua Luo)

Bi syndrome.

Insufficient lactation due to Qi Deficiency.

Rx. Rehmanniae Preparata
Shu Di Huang
Rx. Angelicae Sinensis
Dang Gui

Rx. Bupleuri
Chai Hu
Rz. Cyperi
Xiang Fu

Hb. Taraxaci
Pu Gong Ying
Flos Lonicerae
Jin Yin Hua
Rx. Asparagi
Tian Men Dong

Insufficient lactation due to Blood Deficiency.

Breast distention and pain due to Liver Qi Stagnation.

Swelling with a burning sensation of the breast.

Rx. Peucedani
Qian Hu

Fr. Arctii
Niu Bang Zi

Fol. Mori
Sang Ye

Sm. Armeniacae
Xing Ren

Sm. Armeniacae
Xing Ren

Flos Farfarae
Kuan Dong Hua
Rx. Asteris
Zi Wan
Rx. Stemonae
Bai Bu


Cough with sputum accompanying Exterior conditions.

Cough due to Cold.


  1. Its structure resembles the channels and collaterals of the human body.
  2. Some sources say that this herb cools and invigorates the Blood.
  3. It can be used alone mixed with sesame oil and applied topically for breast abscess.
  4. Charred Luffa Si Gua Luo Tan is slightly astringent and strongly harmonizes the Blood and stops bleeding. It can be used for hemafecia due to Intestinal Wind, hematuria, enteritis, cancerous swellings, hemorrhoids and continuous uterine bleeding. It is often used for breast distention and insufficient lactation due to Stagnation of Qi and Blood. for this, use 3-6g powdered and ingested with wine. It can also be pulverized and applied topically for cracked nipples.
  5. Both Si Gua Luo and Caulis Spatholobi Ji Xue Teng are harmonious, sweet, invigorate the collaterals, and expel Wind. Ji Xue Teng is slightly warm and enters the Blood to enrich the Blood and invigorate the Blood within the collaterals. Si Guo Luo promotes the smooth flow of Qi and Blood and transforms Phlegm within the collaterals.
  6. Dry-fried Luffa Chao Si Gua Luo is neutral and is stronger at invigorating the Blood, unblocking the channels and stopping pain. It is often used for traumatic injury, amenorrhea due to Blood Stasis and obstruction causing insufficient lactation.