Pharmaceutical Latin: Fructus Corni
Common English: Cornus
Asiatic Cornelian Cherry Fruit
Dogwood Fruit
Japanese Dogwood Berry
Herbs that Stabilize and Bind (Astringents)
Taste Temperature Entering Meridians Dosage
Slightly Warm
Shock: 30-60g
Tincture: 2-4ml
Actions Indications/Syndromes

Stabilizes the Kidneys and astringes Jing and Body Fluids

Leakage of fluids due to weak Jing with urinary frequency and incontinence, spermatorrhea and excessive sweating

Stops excessive sweating and supports that which has collapsed

Collapse of Qi with excessive sweating and shock

Devastated Yang with excessive sweating and shock

Sweating mistakenly induced as a treatment

Tonifies Liver and Kidney Yin and strengthens Kidney Yang

Light-headedness, dizziness, soreness and weakness of the lower back and knees or impotence due to Kidney and Liver Yin Deficiency and Kidney Yang Deficiency

Stabilizes the menses and stops bleeding

Excessive uterine bleeding and prolonged menstruation due to Deficiency (weak effect)

  • Contraindicated for those with Blazing Ming Men Fire with frequent erections.
  • Contraindicated for those with painful or difficult urination due to Bladder Heat.
  • Contraindicated for those with Damp-Heat.
  • This herb has a diuretic effect. It is prudent to avoid diuretics such as chlorothiazides, hydrochlorothiazide, furosimide (Lasix), bumetanide (Bumex) and torsemide (Demadex) as there may be additive or synergistic effects.

Fr. Rosae Laevigatae
Jin Ying Zi

Fr. Psoraliae
Bu Gu Zhi
Rx. Angelicae Sinensis
Dang Gui

Fr. Schisandrae
Wu Wei Zi

Spermatorrhea or premature ejaculation.

Kidney Yang Deficiency leading to spermatorrhea, premature ejaculation and lower backache.

Spermatorrhea, abnormal sweating, palpitations and shortness of breath due to Yin and Yang Deficiency of the Liver and Kidneys.

Rx. Rehmanniae Preparata
Shu Di Huang
Rx. Dioscoreae
Colla Cornu Asini
E Jiao
Fr. Psoraliae
Bu Gu Zhi

Fr. Alpiniae Oxyphyllae
Yi Zhi Ren
Rz. Atractylodis Macrocephalae
Bai Zhu

Fossilia Ossis Mastodi
Long Gu
Concha Ostreae
Mu Li
Rx. Lateralis Aconiti Preparata
Zhi Fu Zi
Rz. Ginseng
Ren Shen

Impotence and premature ejaculation due to Kidney Yang Deficiency.

Incontinence in the elderly due to Kidney Qi Deficiency.

Profuse sweating due to devastated Yang.

Rx. Dipsaci
Xu Duan
Rz. Cibotii
Gou Ji


Rx. Dipsaci
Xu Duan
Cx. Eucommiae
Du Zhong

Rx. Astragali
Huang Qi
Rx. Codonopsis
Dang Shen

Rx. Angelicae Sinensis
Dang Gui
Rx. Rehmanniae Preparata
Shu Di Huang

Low back pain and weakness.

Spontaneous sweating due to Yang or Qi Deficiency.

Night sweats due to Yin Deficiency.

Rx. Rehmanniae Preparata
Shu Di Huang
Rx. Dioscoreae

Rx. Rehmanniae Preparata
Shu Di Huang
Rx. Dioscoreae
Shan Yao
Rx. Lateralis Aconiti Preparata
Zhi Fu Zi
Colla Cervi Cornus
Lu Jiao Jiao

Rx. Rehmanniae Preparata
Shu Di Huang
Rx. Dioscoreae
Fr. Lycii
Gou Qi Zi

Urinary frequency (day or night), dizziness, tinnitus and lower back pain due to Kidney Deficiency.

A basic combination to tonify the Kidneys.

Kidney Yang Deficiency.

True Yin Deficiency.

Cx. Eucommiae
Du Zhong
Caulis Spatholobi
Ji Xue Teng
(Rx. Aristolochiae)
(Guang Fang Ji

Rx. Paeoniae Alba
Bai Shao
Gel Cornu Asini
E Jiao

Sepiae Endoconcha
Hai Piao Xiao
Rx. Rubiae
Qian Cao Gen
Charred Trachycarpi Petiolus
Zong Lu Tan

Hypertension due to Liver and Kidney Deficiency.

Dark, thick uterine bleeding that alternates between trickling and gushing due to Heat from Yin Deficiency.

Thin, pale, profuse uterine bleeding that either gushes or continually trickles out due to instability of the Chong channel.

Rx. Astragali
Huang Qi
Fossilia Ossis Mastodi
Long Gu

Concha Ostreae
Mu Li

Rx. Rehmanniae Preparata
Shu Di Huang

Uterine bleeding due to unstable Chong and Ren channels with Spleen Qi Deficiency.


Nourishes Kidney Yin and secures Jing, while restraining urination and sweating.

Rx. Rehmanniae Preparata
Shu Di Huang
Rx. Dioscoreae
Cx. Moutan
Mu Dan Pi
Rz. Alismatis
Ze Xie
Fu Ling

Rx. Rehmanniae Preparata
Shu Di Huang
Rx. Dioscoreae
Shan Yao
Gelatinum Plastrum Testudinis
Gui Ban Jiao
Gelatinum Cornu Cervi
Lu Jiao Jiao
Fr. Lycii
Gou Qi Zi

Fr. Psoraliae
Bu Gu Zhi
Hb. Cynomorii
Suo Yang
Fr. Rosae Laevigatae
Jin Ying Zi
Hb. Epimedii
Yin Yang Huo

Kidney and Liver Yin Deficiency.

Tinnitus and blurred vision due to Kidney Yin Deficiency.

Impotence and spermatorrhea due to Kidney Yang Deficiency.

Fr. Schisandrae
Wu Wei Zi

Rx. Ophiopogonis
Mai Men Dong
Rx. Astragali
Huang Qi
Fossilia Ossis Mastodi
Long Gu
Concha Ostreae
Mu Li

Rx. Lateralis Aconiti Preparata
Zhi Fu Zi
Rz. Ginseng
Ren Shen

Cx. Phellodendri
Huang Bai
Colla Cornu Asini
E Jiao
Charred Fol. Artemisiae Argyi
Ai Ye

Excessive sweating.

Shock, drastic drop in blood pressure and excessive perspiration.

Excessive uterine bleeding.

Ootheca Mantidis
Sang Piao Xiao
Fr. Alpiniae Oxyphyllae
Yi Zhi Ren
Fr. Rubi
Fu Pen Zi
Rx. Linderae
Wu Yao
Rx. Rehmanniae Preparata
Shu Di Huang
Rz. Dioscoreae
Shan Yao
Fr. Schisandrae
Wu Wei Zi

Fr. Rubi
Fu Pen Zi
Sm. Cuscutae
Tu Si Zi
Fr. Rosae Laevigatae
Jin Ying Zi
Sm. Astragali Complanati
Sha Yuan Zi


Frequent, clear urination.

Terminal dribbling after urinating.


  1. It benefits marrow.
  2. It is usually used in Yin Tonic formulas for nourishing the Liver and Kidneys.
  3. Use larger doses as an astringent.
  4. Some sources classify this herb as a Yang Tonic.
  5. This herb Strengthens Yin, augments Jing, quiets the five organs, brightens the eyes after long term consumption, strengthens vigor and lengthens life.
  6. It treats brain and bone pain, halts irregular periods, tonifies Kidney Qi, excites male sexual function, replenishes Jing and marrow, remedies tinnitus and stops incontinence in the elderly.
  7. Both Shan Zhu Yu and Fr. Rosae Laevigatae Jin Ying Zi are sour and astringent, conserve, hold in and stabilize the Lower Jiao to treat deficient leakage with spermatorrhea, incontinence, and watery vaginal discharge, Shan Zhu Yu strongly tonifies both Jing and Yang Qi, while still retaining the Jing, stopping sweating, supporting collapse and gently stabilizing menstrual bleeding. Jin Ying Zi only stabilizes, it doesn't tonify, but can be used to treat chronic diarrhea which Shan Zhu Yu cannot do.
  8. Wine-prepared Cornus Jiu Shan Yu is warmer, slightly acrid and somewhat less sour and astringent. While tonifying the Liver and Kidneys, it also harmonizes the Blood and invigorates the collaterals to treat lower back pain due to Kidney weakness or chronic rib pain due to Liver Deficiency.
  9. Steamed Cornus Zheng Shan Yu primarily tonifies the Liver and Kidneys while stabilizing and retaining Jing to treat vertigo, impotence, premature ejaculation, frequent and profuse urination and excessive uterine bleeding due to Deficiency.