Clinical Manifestations
- Pain and fullness in ribs on both sides
- Maybe pain in the right hypochondrium
- Bitter taste in mouth
- Nausea
- Vomiting sour and bitter fluids
- Anorexia
- Maybe alternating chills and fever
- Concentrated, dark urine
- Local redness, swelling and pain
- Restless fever
- Maybe fever and chills
- Abdominal distention and discomfort
- Suffocating sensation in the chest
- Dislike of oily foods
- Lassitude
- Maybe thirst or thirst with no desire to drink
- Diarrhea with foul smell or
- Constipation
- Sweet sticky taste or bitter taste in mouth
- Dizziness
- Tinnitus or deafness
- Prolonged, nagging epigastric pain and distention
- Patient tends to be overweight
- Rapid breathing with a harsh voice
- Cough with sticky, yellow, difficult to expectorate sputum
- Sore throat
- Thirst with no desire to drink
- Dry stools
- Alternating constipation and diarrhea
- Variable appetite
- Mania
- Shortness of breath
- Dyspnea
- Chest and/or epigastric fullness
- A heavy sensation in the body
- Lethargy
- Women:
Yellow vaginal discharge with foul smell
Pruritis vulvae
- Men:
Pain, swelling and burning
sensations of testicles
Spermatorrhea or premature ejaculation
- T:
Pink or Scarlet
- C: Yellow or Yellow and greasy or Yellow and smooth
- P: Rapid and smooth or Wiry and rapid or Slippery and rapid