- Dyspnea
- Soft, weak cough with clear thin sputum
- Physical and mental exhaustion
- Soft, weak voice
- Reluctance to speak
- Shortness of breath
- Unable to rest
- Spontaneous sweating
- Pale face
- Low resistance to common cold
- Tendency to a blocked nose
- Severe, dry hacking cough
- No sputum expectorated
- Small amounts of difficult to expectorate sputum
- Blood tinged sputum (when Yin Deficiency
Fire is present)
- Afternoon fever
- Night sweats
- Malar flush (especially in afternoon)
- Five Sole Heat
- Dry mouth and throat
- Itching in throat
- Hoarse voice, low voice or loss of voice
- Emaciation
- T: Pale or Red and dry
- C: Thin and white or None
- P: Weak or Empty or Thready and rapid