English: Poria, Cinnamon Twig, Atractylodes and Licorice Decoction
Also Known As: Atractylodes and Hoelen Formula
Pharmaceutical Latin
Pin Yin
Poria Fu Ling 6-15g Strengthens the Spleen, drains Dampness, harmonizes the Middle Jiao and transforms Phlegm.
With Gui Zhi, warms and transforms Fluids, unblocks Yang and promotes urination.
With Bai Zhu, strengthens the Spleen and resolves Dampness.
With Gui Zhi and Bai Zhu, for Dampness Obstruction causing Lin syndrome, edema, heaviness of the body, and irritability.
With Zhi Gan Cao, for Spleen and Heart Deficiency causing facial edema, palpitations, and shortness of breath.
Ram. Cinnamomi Gui Zhi 4-10g Warms the Yang, disperses Cold and helps to resolve congested fluids and descends rebellious Qi.
With Zhi Gan Cao, for palpitations and shortness of breath due to injured Yang of the chest.
With Fu Ling, unblocks the Yang and facilitates the removal of congested fluids associated with Yang Deficiency edema.
With Fu Ling, Bi Zhu and Zhi Gan Cao, for Phlegm accumulation with dizziness, fullness in the chest and hypochondrium, vertigo and palpitations.
Rz. Atractylodis Macrocephalae Bai Zhu 3-12g Strengthens the transformative and transportive functions of the Spleen and dries Damp.
With Fu Ling and Gui Zhi, for Spleen Deficiency with chest distention and edema.
With Fu Ling and Zhi Gan Cao, for Spleen and Stomach Qi Deficiency.
Rx. Glycyrrhizae Preparata Zhi Gan Cao 2-6g Augments Middle Jiao Qi,resolves Phlegm and strengthens the Spleen and moderates and harmonizes the harsh properties of other herbs.
  • Warms and transforms Phlegm and congested Fluids
  • Strengthens the Spleen
  • Resolves Dampness
  • Improves metabolic function
  • Heart Yang Not Vigorous: Water Qi Insults the Heart with Lung and Spleen Qi Deficiency
  • Congested Fluids in the epigastrium
  • Phlegm Stagnation due to Spleen Yang Deficiency
  • Tan Yin
  • Injury from Cold due to improper use of purgatives or emetics
  • Fullness in the chest and hypochondrium
  • Palpitations
  • Shortness of breath
  • Coughing up clear, watery sputum
  • Dizziness
  • Vertigo (when standing)
  • Dyspnea
  • Anxiety
  • Tinnitus
  • Nausea/Vomiting
  • Difficult urination
  • Mild edema
  • Cold feet
  • Headache
  • Migraine
  • Weak abdomen
  • T: Pale and swollen
  • C: White and slippery or greasy
  • P: Slippery and wiry or soggy or Soft or Deep and tight
  • Contraindicated for those with congested Fluids due to Damp-Heat.
  • Contraindicated for those with Yin Deficiency or Body Fluid Insufficiency patterns.
  • Contraindicated for those with Liver Yang Rising patterns.
For vomiting : For vomiting with water and sputum:
+ Rz. Pinelliae Preparatum Zhi Ban Xia + Rz. Pinelliae Preparatum Zhi Ban Xia
For severe belching and vomiting:
+ Per. Citri Reticulatae Chen Pi
+ Calyx Kaki Shi Di
For Spleen Qi Deficiency with fatigue and lethargy:
+ Fr. Amomi Sha Ren + Rx. Codonopsis Dang Shen
For asthma due to Lung Qi Deficiency:
For distention and pain in the epigastrium:
+ Rx. Astragali Huang Qi + Fr. Aurantii Zhi Ke
+ Rz. Pinelliae Preparatum Zhi Ban Xia + Cx. Magnoliae Hou Po
+ Per. Citri Reticulatae Chen Pi
For Meniere’s disease or vertigo from hypotension:
+ Cx. Cinnamomi Rou Gui
+ True Warrior Decoction
Zhen Wu Tang
+ Rx. Aconiti Lateralis Preparata Zhi Fu Zi
For severe Spleen Qi Deficiency and abdominal pain due to Deficiency Cold:
For nausea or vomiting from profuse Phlegm Accumulation:
+ Regulate the Middle Pill
Li Zhong Tang
+ Two-Cured Decoction
Er Chen Tang
For diarrhea due to Spleen Deficiency and Damp Accumulation:
For generalized weakness and fatigue :
+ Calm the Stomach Powder
Ping Wei San
+ Minor Construct the Middle Decoction
Xiao Jian Zhong Tang
For epigastric distention or gurgling water sounds in the abdomen:
For cough with profuse sputum:
+ Fr. Aurantii Immaturus Zhi Shi
+ Rz. Pinelliae Preparatum Zhi Ban Xia
For edema of the limbs with reduced urination:
+ Rx. Codonopsis Dang Shen + Polyporus Zhu Ling
For edema:
+ Rz. Alismatis Ze Xie
+ Rx. Astragali Huang Qi
For profuse sputum:
+ Rx. Stephaniae Tetrandrae Han Fang Ji + Sm. Perillae Zi Su Zi
+ Rz. Alismatis Ze Xie + Sm. Lepidii/ Descurainiae Ting Li Zi
For skin Bi:
+ Fr. Jujube Da Zao
- Rx. Glycyrrhizae Preparata Zhi Gan Cao
For muscle Bi:
+ 15g Sm. Coicis Yi Yi Ren - Rx. Glycyrrhizae Preparata Zhi Gan Cao
+ 9g Cx. Acanthopanacis Wu Jia Pi + 10g Rx. Angelicae Dahuricae Du Huo
+ 6g Sm. Sinapis Bai Jie Zi + !0g Rx. Puerariae Ge Gen
+ 9g Fr. Chaenomelis Mu Gua + 6g Rx. Aconiti Preparata Zhi Chuan Wu
+ 9g Rx. Aucklandiae Mu Xiang +10g Fr. Chaenomelis Mu Gua
+ 9g. Sm. Raphani Lai Fu Zi + 10g Fr. Liquidamberis Lu Lu Tong
For Meniere's disease:
+ 0.3g Sm. Strychni Preparatum Zhi Ma Qian Zi
+ Rz. Alismatis Ze Xie
+ Fr. Aurantii Immaturus Zhi Shi
For cardiac failure:
+ Generate the Pulse Powder
Sheng Mai San
+ Rz. Alismatis Ze Xie
+ Rx. Salviae Miltiorrhizae Dan Shen
+ Honey-fried Licorice Decoction
Zhi Gan Cao Tang
+ Rx. Polygalae Yuan Zhi
+ Rx. Puerariae Ge Gen
For nephrotic syndrome:
For hydronephrosis with low back pain:
+ Hb. Leonuri Yi Mu Cao
+ Fr. Toosendan Chuan Lian Zi + Sm. Euryales Qian Shi
+ Rx. Paeoniae Rubra Chi Shao + Rz. Alismatis Ze Xie
For hydronephrosis with painful urination:
+ Rz. Imperatae Bai Mao Gen
+ Fol. Pyrrosiae Shi Wei
For hydronephrosis with hematuria:
For hydronephrosis with nausea and vomiting:
+ Rz. Imperatae Bai Mao Gen
+ Rz. Pinelliae Preparatum Zhi Ban Xia + Succinum Hu Po
For obesity:
For Keshan disease:
+ Kidney Qi Pill from “Formulas to Aid the Living”
Ji Sheng Shen Qi Wan

+ Hb. Artemisiae Scopariae Yin Chen Hao
For Kidney Yang Deficiency with nausea and vomiting:
+ Fr. Crataegi Shan Zha
For palpitations with anorexia and epigastric and abdominal distention:
+ 9-12g Rz. Zingiberis Gan Jiang
+ 9-12g Rz. Pinelliae Preparatum Zhi Ban Xia + 9g Cx. Magnoliae Officinalis Hou Po
For palpitations with Kidney Yang Deficiency and Excess Cold:
+ 10g Massa Medicata Fermentata Shen Qu
+ 15g Rx. Codonopsis Dang Shen
+ 10g Sm. Trigonellae Hu Lu Ba
For palpitations with severe perspiration:
+ 10g Rx. Morindae Officinalis Ba Ji Tian
+ two or three of the following
+ 6g Cx. Cinnamomi Rou Gui 9g Rx. Ginseng Ren Shen
6g Rx. Glycyrrhizae Preparata Zhi Gan Cao
+ 10g Sm. Trigonellae Hu Lu Ba
+ 10g Rx. Morindae Officinalis Ba Ji Tian 6g Fr. Schisandrae Wu Wei Zi
15g Calcined Concha Ostreae Duan Mu Li
+ 10g Hb. Epimedii Yin Yang Huo
For myalgic encephalomyeltis, chronic fatigue and Epstein-Barr virus syndrome:
15g Calcined Fossilia Ossis Mastodi Duan Long Gu
+ 3g Fr. Evodiae Wu Zhu Yu
For dizziness and vertigo due to Spleen Yang Deficiency:
+ 6g Rx. Codonopsis Dang Shen
+ 6g Rz. Zingiberis Gan Jiang + 6g Rz. Zingiberis Gan Jiang
For diarrhea with abdominal pain:
+ 3g Rx. Aconiti Lateralis Preparata Zhi Fu Zi
+ Stephania, Zanthoxylum, Tingli and Rhubarb Pill
Ji Jiao Li Huang Tang
+ 6g Sm. Sinapis Album Bai Jie Zi
For palpitations:
+ 12-18g Dry-fried Rx. Paeoniae Alba Chao Bai Shao + 6g lime-processed Rz. Pinelliae Preparatum Zhi Ban Xia
+ 12-15g Dry-fried Fr. Foeniculi Chao Xiao Hui Xiang + 6g Rz. Zingiberis Recens Sheng Jiang
+ 6-9g Rz. Alpiniae Officinarum Gao Liang Jiang + 6g Rx. Polygalae Yuan Zhi
+ 6g Poria Pararadicis Fu Shen
For palpitations with nausea and vomiting:
+ 6g Rz. Acori Tatarinowii Shi Chang Pu
+ 10g Rz. Pinelliae Preparatum Zhi Ban Xia
For palpitations with coughing:
+ 6g lime-processed Rz. Pinelliae Preparatum Zhi Ban Xia
+ 9g lime-processed Rz. Pinelliae Preparatum Zhi Ban Xia
+ 6g Rz. Zingiberis Recens Sheng Jiang
+ 6g Rz. Zingiberis Recens Sheng Jiang
+ 6g Rx. Polygalae Yuan Zhi
+ 6g Rx. Polygalae Yuan Zhi + 6g Poria Pararadicis Fu Shen
+ 6g Poria Pararadicis Fu Shen + 6g Rz. Acori Tatarinowii Shi Chang Pu
+ 6g Rz. Acori Tatarinowii Shi Chang Pu
+ 9g Flos Inulae Xuan Fu Hua
+ 6g Per. Citri Reticulatae Chen Pi + 6g Per. Citri Reticulatae Chen Pi
For palpitations with dizziness and vertigo:
+ 6g Sm. Armeniacae Xing Ren
+ 6g lime-processed Rz. Pinelliae Preparatum Zhi Ban Xia
For palpitations with abdominal pain, nausea and diarrhea:
+ 6g Rz. Zingiberis Recens Sheng Jiang + 6g lime-processed Rz. Pinelliae Preparatum Zhi Ban Xia
+ 6g Rz. Zingiberis Recens Sheng Jiang
+ 6g Rx. Polygalae Yuan Zhi
+ 6g Poria Pararadicis Fu Shen
+ 6g Rz. Acori Tatarinowii Shi Chang Pu + 6g Rx. Polygalae Yuan Zhi
+ 6g Poria Pararadicis Fu Shen
+ 9g Rz. Gastrodiae Tian Ma + 6g Rz. Acori Tatarinowii Shi Chang Pu
For palpitations with profuse Phlegm:
+ 6g lime-processed Rz. Pinelliae Preparatum Zhi Ban Xia + 6g Rz. Zingiberis Gan Jiang
For palpitations with abdominal pain, nausea and diarrhea:
+ 6g Rz. Zingiberis Recens Sheng Jiang
+ 6g Poria Pararadicis Fu Shen + 6g lime-processed Rz. Pinelliae Preparatum Zhi Ban Xia
+ 6g Rz. Acori Tatarinowii Shi Chang Pu
+ 6g Rz. Zingiberis Recens Sheng Jiang
+ 9g Rz. Alismatis Ze Xie
+9g Exocarpium Citri Reticulatae Rubrum Ju Hong + 6g Rx. Polygalae Yuan Zhi
+ 6g Poria Pararadicis Fu Shen
For excessive amniotic fluid:
+ 6g Rz. Acori Tatarinowii Shi Chang Pu
+ 10g Rx. Angelicae Sinensis Dang Gui
+ 9g Ginger-fried Cx. Magnoliae Officinalis Hou Po
+ 10g Rx. Paeoniae Alba Bai Shao
+ 5g Cx. Zingiberis Recens Sheng Jiang Pi + 6g Rz. Atractylodis Cang Zhu
For excessive amniotic fluid with severe abdominal distention:
+ 10g Per. Arecae Da Fu Pi
+ 10g Cx. Mori Sang Bai Pi + 10g Rx. Angelicae Sinensis Dang Gui
+ tail part Carp with viscera removed Lǐ Yu
+ 10g Rx. Paeoniae Alba Bai Shao
For excessive amniotic fluid with Qi Deficiency, lack of strength and an exhausted Spirit:
+ 5g Cx. Zingiberis Recens Sheng Jiang Pi
+ 10g Rx. Angelicae Sinensis Dang Gui + 10g Per. Arecae Da Fu Pi
+ 10g Cx. Mori Sang Bai Pi
+ 10g Rx. Paeoniae Alba Bai Shao + tail part Carp with viscera removed Lǐ Yu
+ 5g Cx. Zingiberis Recens Sheng Jiang Pi
+ 10g Rz. Alismatis Ze Xie
+ 10g Per. Arecae Da Fu Pi + 10g Sm,. Plantaginis Che Qian Zi
+ 10g Cx. Mori Sang Bai Pi
For excessive amniotic fluid with Kidney Deficiency:
+ tail part Carp with viscera removed Lǐ Yu
+ 10g Rx. Angelicae Sinensis Dang Gui
+ 15g Rx. Astragali Huang Qi
For excessive amniotic fluid with Blood Deficiency and a whitish face:
+ 10g Rx. Paeoniae Alba Bai Shao
+ 5g Cx. Zingiberis Recens Sheng Jiang Pi
+ 10g Rx. Angelicae Sinensis Dang Gui
+ 10g Per. Arecae Da Fu Pi
+ 10g Rx. Paeoniae Alba Bai Shao + 10g Cx. Mori Sang Bai Pi
+ 5g Cx. Zingiberis Recens Sheng Jiang Pi + tail part Carp with viscera removed Lǐ Yu
+ 10g Per. Arecae Da Fu Pi + 12g Sm. Cuscutae Tu Si Zi
+ 10g Cx. Mori Sang Bai Pi + 12g Hb. Taxilli Sang Ji Sheng
+ tail part Carp with viscera removed Lǐ Yu
For excessive amniotic fluid with severe, urgent dyspnea:
+ 10g Colla Corii Asini E Jiao + 10g Rx. Angelicae Sinensis Dang Gui
+ 10g Rx. Polygoni Multiflori He Shou Wu
+ 10g Rx. Paeoniae Alba Bai Shao
For ulcerative colitis:
+ 5g Cx. Zingiberis Recens Sheng Jiang Pi
+ 18g Sm. Lepidii/ Descuraniae Ting Li Zi
+ 10g Per. Arecae Da Fu Pi
+ 18g Sm. Arecae Bing Lang + 10g Cx. Mori Sang Bai Pi
+ 15g Rx. Stephaniae Tetrandrae Han Fang Ji + tail part Carp with viscera removed Lǐ Yu
+ 15g Fr. Aurantii Zhi Ke + 10g Sm. Armeniacae Xing Ren
+ 9g Fr. Zanthoxyli Chuan Jiao
For ulcerative colitis with severe Spleen Qi Deficiency:
+ 15g Fr. Jujube Da Zao
For ulcerative colitis with severe diarrhea:
+ 18g Sm. Arecae Bing Lang
+ 18g Sm. Lepidii/ Descuraniae Ting Li Zi + 15g Rx. Stephaniae Tetrandrae Han Fang Ji
+ 18g Sm. Arecae Bing Lang + 15g Fr. Aurantii Zhi Ke
+ 15g Rx. Stephaniae Tetrandrae Han Fang Ji + 9g Fr. Zanthoxyli Chuan Jiao
+ 15g Fr. Jujube Da Zao
+ 15g Fr. Aurantii Zhi Ke + 18g Polyporus Zhu Ling
+ 9g Fr. Zanthoxyli Chuan Jiao + 9g Rz. Atractylodis Cang Zhu
+ 15g Fr. Jujube Da Zao + 9g Rz. Pinelliae Preparatum Zhi Ban Xia
+ 9g Fr. Amomi Sha Ren
+ 15g Per. Citri Reticulatae Chen Pi + 15g Rx. Astragali Huang Qi
For ulcerative colitis with profuse Phlegm:
+ 15g Terra Flava Usta Zao Xin Tu + 18g Sm. Lepidii/ Descuraniae Ting Li Zi
For ulcerative colitis with vomiting of clear fluid:
+ 18g Sm. Lepidii/ Descuraniae Ting Li Zi + 18g Sm. Arecae Bing Lang
+ 15g Rx. Stephaniae Tetrandrae Han Fang Ji
+ 18g Sm. Arecae Bing Lang
+ 15g Rx. Stephaniae Tetrandrae Han Fang Ji + 15g Fr. Aurantii Zhi Ke
+ 9g Fr. Zanthoxyli Chuan Jiao
+ 15g Fr. Aurantii Zhi Ke + 15g Fr. Jujube Da Zao
+ 9g Fr. Zanthoxyli Chuan Jiao + 9g Per. Citri Reticulatae Chen Pi
+ 15g Fr. Jujube Da Zao
+ 9g Flos Inulae Xuan Fu Hua + 9g Rz. Pinelliae Preparatum Zhi Ban Xia
+ 9g Per. Citri Reticulatae Chen Pi
For ulcerative colitis with abdominal fullness and distention:
+ 9g Rz. Pinelliae Preparatum Zhi Ban Xia
+ 18g Sm. Lepidii/ Descuraniae Ting Li Zi
For ulcerative colitis with dizziness:
+ 18g Sm. Lepidii/ Descuraniae Ting Li Zi + 18g Sm. Arecae Bing Lang
+ 15g Rx. Stephaniae Tetrandrae Han Fang Ji
+ 18g Sm. Arecae Bing Lang
+ 15g Rx. Stephaniae Tetrandrae Han Fang Ji + 15g Fr. Aurantii Zhi Ke
+ 9g Fr. Zanthoxyli Chuan Jiao
+ 15g Fr. Aurantii Zhi Ke + 15g Fr. Jujube Da Zao
+ 9g Fr. Zanthoxyli Chuan Jiao + 6g Rx. Aucklandiae Mu Xiang
+ 15g Fr. Jujube Da Zao + 6g Fr. Amomi Bing Lang
+ 12g stir-fried Rz. Gastrodiae Chao Tian Ma For vomiting associated with AIDS/HIV
+ Minor Pinellia Decoction
Xiao Ban Xia Tang
    - Rx. Glycyrrhizae Gan Cao
    + Per Citri Reticulatae Chen Pi