Pharmaceutical Latin: Radix Aristolochiae Fangji
Common English: Southern Fangji Root
Aristolochia Root
Fangchi Birthwort Root
Obsolete Substances: Herbs that Drain Dampness (Diuretics)
Taste Temperature Entering Meridians Dosage
Tincture: 1-4ml
Actions Indications/Syndromes

Expels Wind-Dampness and clears Heat

Wind-Damp-Heat Bi

This herb is most appropriate when the patient has diffuse aches and pains, thirst and a yellow, greasy tongue coat

Promotes urination and reduces edema

Edema (either floating or systemic) with wheezing, pain or leg Qi

  • Use with caution for those with Yin Deficiency.
  • Use with caution for those with Spleen and Stomach Deficiency Cold.
  • Cumulative doses are a significant risk factor for urothelial carcinoma.

Rx. Clematidis
Wei Ling Xian

Sm. Coicis
Yi Yi Ren

Rx. Astragali
Huang Qi

Joint, shoulder and back pain due to Wind-Dampness.

Damp-Heat-induced extremity pain.

Joint pain and edema.

Rx. Codonopsis
Dang Shen
Ram. Cinnamomi
Gui Zhi

Wheezing, dyspnea, heaviness in the body, and edema.



  1. Rx. Aristolochiae Fangchi Guang Fang Ji is better at eliminating Wind and Dampness, while Rx. Stephaniae Tetrandrae Han Fang Ji is a stronger diuretic. Guang Fang Ji is more for upper body edema, while Han Fang Ji is more for lower body edema. If neither is specified, Han Fang Ji is usually used.
  2. It is believed that, when used properly, this herb protects against “the enemy”, which implies a strong defensive action.
  3. Some sources say that this herb reduces heat and stops pain.