Pharmaceutical Latin: Herba Lycopi
Common English: Bugleweed
Bright Bugleweed
Herbs that Invigorate the Blood
Taste Temperature Entering Meridians Dosage
Slightly Warm
(Urinary Bladder)
Up to 30g topically
Tincture: 2-4ml
Actions Indications/Syndromes

Invigorates the Blood and dispels Blood Stasis (Regulates menstruation)

Blood Stasis obstructing menstruation

Postpartum abdominal pain due to Blood Stasis

Pain and swelling from abscess or trauma (internal and topical)

Promotes urination and disperses swellings

Systemic and facial edema (adjunctively)

Postpartum painful urinary dysfunction (adjunctively)

  • Use caution during pregnancy.
  • Use caution for those with Blood Deficiency.
  • Use caution if there is no Blood Stasis.
  • Concurrent use with diuretics such as chlorothiazide, hydrochlorothiazide, furmoside (Lasix), bumetinide (Bumex) and torsemide (Demadex) may lead to increased elimination of water and/or electrolytes.

Rz. Chuanxiong
Chuan Xiong

Rx. Salviae Miltiorrhizae
Dan Shen

Rz. Curcumae Longae
Jiang Huang
Ramus Tinosporae Sinensis
Kuan Jin Teng

Pain due to trauma, dysmenorrhea and amenorrhea.

Swelling and pain due to trauma.

As a wash for swelling and pain due to trauma.

Rx. Angelicae Sinensis
Dang Gui
Flos Lonicerae
Jin Yin Hua
Rx. Glycyrrhizae
Gan Cao

Rz. Imperatae
Bai Mao Gen


Rx. Stephaniae Tetrandrae
Han Fang Ji

Swelling and pain due to abscess.

Edema with Heat.

Removes water, invigorates Blood and unblocks the collaterals for ascites, edema of the face and extremities and leg Qi.

Postpartum edema.

Hb. Leonuri
Yi Mu Cao

Rx. Ligustici Chuanxiong
Chuan Xiong

Rx. Angelicae Sinensis
Dang Gui
Flos Carthami
Hong Hua
Sm. Persicae
Tao Ren

Rx. Angelicae Sinensis
Dang Gui
Rx. Salviae Miltiorrhizae
Dan Shen

Rx. Paeoniae Alba
Bai Shao

Disorders which include both Blood Stasis and accumulation of pathogenic water such as Blood separation. (amenorrhea followed by generalized edema)

Pain and bruises.

Menstrual pain, irregular menstruation and postpartum abdominal pain.

Rx. Angelicae Sinensis
Dang Gui
Rx. Paeoniae Alba
Bai Shao
Rx. Glycyrrhizae Preparata
Zhi Gan Cao

Rx. Salviae Miltiorrhizae
Dan Shen

Rx. Curcumae
Yu Jin

Rx. Cyathulae
Chuan Niu Xi

Amenorrhea due to Blood Deficiency with Fire.

Chest and hypochondriac pain due to Qi and Blood Stagnation.

Back pain from Blood Stagnation due to traumatic injury.

  1. This herb is not strong and is always used with other herbs.
  2. It is aromatic and can open Liver congestion.
  3. It is said to help expel pathogenic Heat, tonify the Blood, warm the Liver and invigorate the Blood.
  4. This herb has been shown to inhibit the growth of cancer cells.
  5. This herb disintegrates masses in the abdomen and reduces edema.
  6. When used with tonics it can reduce masses and tonify at the same time without damaging Qi.
  7. It is said that this is a particularly effective herb for Blood diseases.
  8. Fresh Lycopus Xian Ze Lan also relieves toxicity and is often applied topically for sores, bites, and traumatic injuries.
  9. Ze Lan and Rz. Ligustici Chuanxiong Chuan Xiong are both aromatic, invigorate the Blood and stop pain. Ze Lan promotes fluid metabolism and facilitates urination and is used in disorders in which Blood Stasis and edema both occur. Chuan Xiong moves the Qi within the Blood and ascends to the head and eyes to expel Wind and stop headaches.
  10. Both Ze Lan and Hb. Leonuri Yi Mu Cao invigorate the Blood facilitate, urination and treat toxic swellings. Ze Lan is known for its gentle and harmonious action and is suitable for either hot or Cold disorders involving Blood Stasis including reducing swelling. Yi Mu Cao is stronger as a Blood mover and diuretic. It is cooling and better suited for for Blood Heat combined with Blood Stasis.