Pharmaceutical Latin: Fructus Citri
Common English: Aromatic Citron
Citron Fruit
Citrus Fruit
Herbs that Regulate Qi
Taste Temperature Entering Meridians Dosage
Slightly Bitter
Actions Indications/Syndromes

Transforms Phlegm to stop cough

Cough with profuse sputum

Promotes the movement of Qi, awakens the Spleen and eases the Middle

Qi Stagnation in the Liver, Spleen and Stomach leading to epigastric distention and pain

Dredges and regulates Liver Qi and stops pain

Chest and flank distention and pain from Liver Qi Stagnation

Descends and drains to reduce Phlegm and stop cough

Cough with profuse sputum and a stifling sensation in the chest

  • Use with caution during pregnancy.
  • Use care with those who are Yin Deficient.
  • Use care with those who have Blood Dryness.

Rx. Aucklandiae
Mu Xiang
Hb. Agastaches/Pogostemonis
Huo Xiang

Rx. Bupleuri
Chai Hu
Rx. Curcumae
Yu Jin
Fr. Citri Sarcodactylis
Fo Shou

Rz. Pinelliae Preparatum
Zhi Ban Xia
Fu Ling

Epigastric and abdominal pain with belching.

Acid regurgitation.

Nausea and anorexia.

Chest and flank distention and pain from Liver Qi Stagnation.

Coughing with profuse sputum and a stifling sensation in the chest.

Per. Trichosanthis
Gua Lou Pi
Rz. Cyperi
Xiang Fu

Rx. Aucklandiae
Mu Xiang

Fr. Toosendan
Chuan Lian Zi
Fr. Evodiae
Wu Zhu Yu

Rz. Coptidis
Huang Lian

Chest congestion.

Hypochondriac pain.

Epigastric pain.

Abdominal distention.

A bitter taste in the mouth.

Acid regurgitation.

Rz. Pinelliae Preparatum
Zhi Ban Xia

Fu Ling
Fr. Trichosanthis
Gua Lou
Fr. Perillae
Zi Su Zi
Sm. Raphani
Lai Fu Zi



Cough with profuse sputum.



  1. This herb treats "waist and leg Qi".
  2. This herb is relatively mild and needs to be combined with other herbs for maximum effectiveness.
  3. Both Xiang Yuan and Fr. Citri Sarcodactylis Fo Shou are warm and of similar nature. Xiang Yuan specifically regulates Lung and Spleen Qi and breaks up Phlegm and pathogenic water to treat cough due to clogged Qi. It is best to remove the pith and kernels to prevent excess astringency due to their sour tastes. Fo Shou enters the Stomach and breaks up Qi Stagnation to treat nausea, vomiting and dysenteric disorders with tenesmus.
  4. Dry-fried Citron Chao Xiang Yuan or Zhi Xiang Yuan has a more moderate acrid, dispersing action and is less drying.
  5. Pericarpium Citri Xiang Yuan Pi has a stronger Qi circulating function.