Pharmaceutical Latin: Semen Benincasae
Common English: Winter Melon Seed
Wax Gourd Seed
Herbs that Drain Dampness (Diuretics)
Taste Temperature Entering Meridians Dosage
Large Intestine
Small Intestine
May use up to 30g
Tincture: 2-4ml
Actions Indications/Syndromes

Clears Heat, expels Phlegm, expels pus and moistens the Lungs

Lung Heat with expectoration of thick, yellow sputum

Intestinal Heat

Damp-Heat with Phlegm Obstruction in the Upper or Lower Jiao as in Intestinal abscess

Clears Heat and drains Dampness

Damp-Heat vaginal discharge

  • Use caution for those with edema due to malnutrition.
  • Use caution for those with Damp-Cold or loose stools.

Rx. Platycodi
Jie Geng
Hb. Houttuyniae
Yu Xing Cao
Flos Lonicerae
Jin Yin Hua

Sm. Coicis
Yi Yi Ren
Rz. Phragmitis
Lu Gen

Rx. et Rz. Rhei
Da Huang
Cx. Moutan
Mu Dan Pi

Lung abscess due to Phlegm-Heat.

Lung abscess due to Heat toxin Obstructing the Lungs.

Intestinal abscess.

Cx. Phellodendri
Huang Bai
Rz. Dioscoreae Hypoglaucae
Bei Xie

Sm. Coicis
Yi Yi Ren

Sm. Coicis
Yi Yi Ren
Rz. Phragmitis
Lu Gen
Sm. Persicae
Tao Ren

Damp-Heat vaginal discharge.

Scanty urine and edema due Damp Obstruction.

Lung or Large Intestinal abscess that has formed pus. (large doses)

Lung abscess that has formed pus with a stronger effect. (large doses)

Sm. Coicis
Yi Yi Ren
Hb. Patriniae
Bai Jiang Cao
Cx. Moutan
Mu Dan Pi

Sm. Coicis
Yi Yi Ren

Sm. Persicae
Tao Ren
Rx. Scutellariae
Huang Qin

Rx. Platycodi
Jie Geng
Hb. Houttuyniae
Yu Xing Cao
Flos Lonicerae
Jin Yin Hua

Fr. Forsythiae
Lian Qiao
Fol. Isatidis
Da Qing Ye

Intestinal abscess with a stronger effect. (large doses)

Pus or Blood in the stools with feelings of incomplete evacuation after defecation.

Lung abscess with foul smelling sputum.

Hb Menthae
Bo He
Sm. Armeniacae
Xing Ren
Rx. Peucedani
Qian Hu
Fr. Arctii
Niu Bang Zi
Rz. Belamcandae
She Gan

Sm. Armeniacae
Xing Ren
Rz. Pinelliae Preparatum
Zhi Ban Xia
Rx. Adenophorae
Nan Sha Shen
Bul. Fritillariae Cirrhosae
Chuan Bei Mu
Cacumen Platycladi
Ce Bai Ye
Rx. Rubiae
Qian Cao Gen

Fu Ling
Rz. Alismatis
Ze Xie
Zhu Ling

Bronchitis with cough, yellow sputum and a sore throat.

Bronchitis with a dry cough and possibly Blood-streaked sputum.


Rx. Achyranthis Bidentatae
Niu Xi
Fr. Chaenomelis
Mu Gua
Rx. Stephaniae Tetrandrae
Han Fang Ji
Sm. Coicis
Yi Yi Ren

Hb. Eupatorii
Pei Lan
Hb. Agastaches
Huo Xiang
Hua Shi

Hua Shi
Zhu Ling
Sm. Plantaginis
Che Qian Zi

Lower body edema with burning sensations and swelling.

Summer Damp-Heat.


  1. Exocarpium Benincasae Dong Gua Pi promotes urination, clears Heat, and reduces edema. It is sweet, bland and cool and enters Lung and Small Intestine channels. It is used for edema due to Summer Heat or Heat. The dosage is 15-30g.
  2. This herb is used in formulas for Lower Jiao inflammation (infections, cysts, and tumors).
  3. This herb is a melon similar to watermelon whose seeds have similar properties.
  4. This herb also tonifies the Liver, benefits vision, nourishes the skin and makes it glossy and moist and improves the complexion Internally or topically as a paste)
  5. The flesh helps lose weight.
  6. One source says that this herb treats Heat in the Heart channel, dribbling urination, rosacea, abdominal Stagnation and ulceration with pus and Blood.
  7. It is an essential herb for removing pathogenic factors in the abdomen.
  8. It reduces body weight when taken Cold.
  9. This herb has been shown to inhibit the growth of cancer cells.
  10. It is said to cure periappendicular abscess.
  11. It is also said to tonify the Liver.
  12. Both Dong Gua Zi and Sm. Coicis Yi Yi Ren clear Heat and expel pus. Yi Yi Ren excels at strengthening the Spleen and removing Dampness and is used for diarrhea, Bi Syndrome or edema due to Dampness. Dong Gua Zi, is slippery and facilitates movement in the Large Intestine. It is more appropriate if Damp-Heat has accumulated in the Large Intestine and led to constipation or irregular bowel movements with tenesmus.
  13. Dry-fried Winter Melon Seeds Chao Dong Gua Zi are less draining but adds a Stomach-harmonizing effect which enables it to be used when the Spleen is weak and Damp resulting in Turbid-Dampness in the Lower Jiao with vaginal discharge.
  14. Honey-prepared Winter Melon Seeds Mi Zhi Dong Gua Zi are better able to clear the Lungs and transform Phlegm. They are best for wheezing and cough with thick, yellow Phlegm due to Lung Heat.
  15. Winter Melon Flesh Dong Gua Rou is a delicious food and used medically for diabetes and irritable, stifling Summerheat. Its juice is often prescribed for the latter. The flesh cools Heat, alleviates thirst, facilitates water and reduces swelling and is often used for Summerheat leading to scanty, dark urine with insatiable thirst.