English: Preserving Yin Decoction
Also Known As: Protecting Yin Decoction
Pharmaceutical Latin
Pin Yin
Rx. Rehmanniae Sheng Di Huang 15-24g Clears Heat, cools the Blood Nourishes Yin and generates fluids.
With Shu Di Huang, for Heat symptoms due to Yin Deficiency and Devastated Blood.
With Bai Shao, for Blood Deficiency Heat.
Rx. Rehmanniae Preparata Shu Di Huang 12-15g Nourishes the Blood, nourishes Liver and Kidney Yin, strongly enriches Yin, nourishes Jing and Blood and fills the Marrow.
Rx. Paeoniae Alba Bai Shao 12-15g Nourishes the Blood and regulates menstruation.
Rz. Dioscoreae Shan Yao 12-15g Tonifies the Spleen, tonifies Kidney Yin and astringes Jing.
Rx. Scutellariae Huang Qin 9-10g Clears Heat, dries Dampness, Cools the Blood, stops bleeding and calms the fetus.
With Shan Yao, for restless fetus due to Deficiency Heat.
With Bai Shao, cools Heat and nourishes the Blood for calming the fetus which is disturbed by Heat.
Cx. Phellodendri Huang Bai 9-10g Drains Damp-Heat especially from the Lower Jiao and drains Kidney Fire.
Rx. Dipsaci Xu Duan 6-15g Tonifies the Liver and Kidneys, stops uterine bleeding, calms the fetus and prevents miscarriage.
Rx Glycyrrhizae Gan Cao 3-6g Moderates and harmonizes the harsh properties of other herbs.
  • Cools the Blood
  • Clears Heat
  • Astringes Yin
  • Nourishes Yin
  • Strengthens the Kidneys
  • Regulates menstruation
  • Blood Heat
  • Blood Deficiency with Heat
  • Threatened miscarriage early in pregnancy
  • Mild menorrhagia that suddenly transforms into copious menorrhagia
  • Clear, light red, and thick blood or
  • The blood is bright red,
  • A general feeling of Heat
  • Thirst
  • Evening fever
  • Hot palms and soles
  • Restlessness
  • Insomnia
  • Dark yellow urine
  • T: Red
  • C: Yellow
  • P: Rapid and overflowing or Thready and rapid
For bleeding: For disharmony between the Heart and Kidneys, with restlessness and insomnia:
+ Charred Pollen Typhae Pu Huang Tan + 10g Sm. Zizyphi Spinosae Suan Zao Ren
+ Colla Corii Asini E Jiao + 15g Caul. Polygoni Multiflori Ye Jiao Teng
For menorrhagia:
For more severe Yin Deficiency with evening fever, hot palms and soles, and restlessness:
+ 15g Rx. Rubiae Qian Cao + 15g Fossilia Ossis Mastodi Long Gu
+ 15g Rx. Sanguisorbae Di Yu + 15g Plastrum Testudinis Gui Ban
For thirst:
For heavy bleeding: ,
+ 10g Rx. Adenophorae Nan Sha Shen + Endoconcha Sepiae Hai Piao Xiao
+ 7g Fr. Schisandrae Wu Wei Zi + Hb. Agrimoniae Xian He Cao
For spotting:
For Yin Deficiency:
+ Pollen Typhae Pu Huang + Plastrum Testudinis Gui Ban
+ Rx. Notoginseng San Qi + Fossilia Ossis Mastodi Long Gu
For long time bleeding due to Qi and Yin Deficiency:
For threatened miscarriage:
+ 20g Rx. Boehmeriae Zhu Ma Gen
+ Generate the Pulse Powder
Sheng Mai San
For marked vaginal bleeding:
+ 20g Rx. Boehmeriae Zhu Ma Gen
+ 12g Colla Corii Asini E Jiao
+ Rx. Astragali Huang Qi + 10g charred Cacumen Platycladi Ce Bai Ye Tan
+ Rx. Glehniae Bei Sha Shen
For persistent vaginal bleeding:
For slightly more bleeding:
+ 20g Rx. Boehmeriae Zhu Ma Gen + Colla Corii Asini E Jiao
+ 10g Rz. Dryopteris Guan Zhong
+ Two Ultimate Pill
Er Zhi Wan
+ 15g Hb. Agrimoniae Xian He Cao
+ 10g Charred Rx. Sanguisorbae Di Yu Tan
For Kidney weakness and soreness:
+ Sm. Cuscutae Tu Si Zi
For Qi Deficiency:
+ Hb. Taxilli Sang Ji Sheng
+ Rx. Astragali Huang Qi
For metrorrhagia with Yin Deficiency:
For metrorrhagia with Yin Deficiency and heavy bleeding:
+ Rx. Glehniae Bei Sha Shen
+ Rx. Ophiopogonis Mai Men Dong
+ Rx. Glehniae Bei Sha Shen + Fr. Schisandrae Wu Wei Zi
+ Rx. Ophiopogonis Mai Men Dong + Colla Corii Asini E Jiao
+ Fr. Schisandrae Wu Wei Zi
For metrorrhagia with Liver Yin Deficiency with Liver Yang Rising:
+ Colla Corii Asini E Jiao
+ Hb. Agrimoniae Xian He Cao + Rx. Glehniae Bei Sha Shen
+ Endoconcha Sepiae Hai Piao Xiao + Rx. Ophiopogonis Mai Men Dong
For profuse bleeding with very hot Blood:
+ Fr. Schisandrae Wu Wei Zi
+ 3g Rz. Coptidis Huang Lian + Colla Corii Asini E Jiao
For profuse bleeding with Blood Deficiency and Stagnation:
+ Plastrum Testudinis Gui Ban
+ Pheretima Di Long
+ 3-6g Rx. Angelica Sinensis
Dang Gui + Rx. Paeoniae Alba Bai Shao
For profuse bleeding with slipperiness:
For profuse bleeding with Qi Stagnation and pain:
+ 3-6g Rx. Sanguisorbae Di Yu
- Rx. Rehmanniae Preparata
Shu Di Huang
1-2 pcs Fr. Mume Wu Me
+ Per Citri Reticulatae Chen Pi
+ Per. Citri Reticulatae Viride Qing Pi +3g Rx. Stephaniae Cepharanthae Bai Yao Zi
+ Cx. Moutan Mu Dan Pi
+ Rz. Cyperi Xiang Fu 3g Concha Meretricis/ Cyclinae Ge Qiao